Since the dawn of the internet there’s been creepy and horror stories that’s been passed around the different corners of the place. With more and more people getting more connected through the internet, these stories spread out more. Creepypastas we call them and some of them have been so famous that there’s games made out of them. Escape the Backrooms is one of those games that came from a creepypasta and in this guide we’ll show you how to go through some of their levels.
Level 0, The Garage, The Hub, Pipe Dream & Level 3 Guide For Escape the Backrooms
The Backrooms is a concept that first started as just about these weird rooms that look and feel surreal and even though there’s no perceived threat, it still spooks people off. Of course as this genre of horror evolved some of them added stories and monsters into these places and the Backrooms were born. Here is how you can go through some of the levels of the game.
Level 0

If you google the Backrooms most probably you’ll see this. Yellow wallpaper and floor, lights and endless hallways. In this level you’ll have to move fast since the enemy will spawn after a minute. You’ll need to find the ladder pieces, if you find them the ladder is nearby and you can interact with it once you get all of them.

This will give you a key that you can then go out of the ladder section and turn right, and look for the wooden door where you can use the key. You’ll then see a room where you’ll need to go through and balance yourself.

If you fall look for the black arrows that will lead you to the exit.

You’ll know it’s the exit if you see the yellow wallpaper and floor ends. You can then find a ladder that will lead you to exit the level.

The Garage

The next level is the Parking Garage where you’ll find an elevator with a keypad. You’ll need to find what the password of the keypad is, though you can also just brute force it.

The code is based off of the color and count of the cars in the garage so get looking for those cars and go back once you’re sure you know the password.

Once you go down with the elevator you’ll need to find these rooms with cabinets you can open. Some of them have keys, you need 4 in total. They’re placed randomly around the cabinets.

There’s also a room there with 4 keyholes on the wall that you’ll need to use to unlock the door. The next part is a very dark place but luckily for you the layout is the same for everyone. Just watch out for the enemies inside and try to go through the route shown below.

Source: Steam Community :: Guide :: WALKTHROUGH 01/2023 update
The Hub

This part of the level is safe and the only enemy here will be your friends trying to scare you if you’re playing co-op. You’ll need to find the door that has “M.E.G.” on it and use the console next to it.

It’s a simple puzzle, you need to find the correct code shown on the right, you can choose from the codes on the left and center, just scroll through them and find the right ones. This will lead you to another room and you can find an exit to the next part of the Hub Level.

The next part will let you in a room and you can use the lever on the wall to open the next level. You’ll see a lit room, quickly go inside one of the side rooms to a brightly lit hallway!

The reason you want to stay in those bright rooms is because in a few seconds the light will shut off and the monsters will appear. If you’re caught in the darkness you’ll die.

Continue running into the side passages looking for items and the exit to find your way out, and stay in the light!
Pipe Dream

This one is very linear, you have two choices. Go to the Station or the Fun, for this guide we’ll go to the Station. Once you pick your choice start running because a familiar face is just behind you!

While running keep an eye out for a flashlight, you’ll need it in the darker parts as you keep running!

At one point you’ll find a turn to some brick walls, go there to get to the exit!

Level 3

Level 3 is one of the more annoying and difficult levels in the game and there’s a lot to unpack here. It deserves a whole guide on it’s own, that’s why we have one right here for you: [LINK TO: Escape The Backrooms – Power Station Guide article] Congratulations you now know how to go through these levels in Escape the Backroom, now go out there and try to escape! Many thanks to ToxicJim for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Escape The Backrooms NEW UPDATE [FULL GAME WALKTHROUGH] – YouTube
ALSO READ: Escape The Backrooms – Level Fun Guide