There’s a new game in town and it’s one of the most hyped up game in a while, it’s Hogwarts Legacy! The game lets you play as an actual student of Hogwarts back before the books and films. You can experience what its like to be a student there as well as follow your own story and solve your own mysteries in this world not connected the movies, games or books. There’s a lot of quests in the game and in this guide we’ll show you how to complete the “A Friend in Deed” quest!
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Hogwarts Legacy: A Friend In Deed Quest Guide
There’s a lot of quests in this game and it can range from interesting to simple fetch or delivery quests. A Friend In Need is one of those quests that is one that lets you explore and fight. You can start the quest by going to Hogsmead and look for the quest icon shown below.

There you should talk to Sirona Ryan, after a quick talk you’ll have to go north to continue the quest.

Follow the waypoint and look for Dorothy Sprottle, she’ll be next to her house tending the fields. Talk to her and afterwards follow the next set of waypoints.

You’ll reach the cave known as Horklump Hollow, go inside and go through the cave as normal. In the minimap you’ll see the area you need to go to while inside the cave, head over there.

Near the end you’ll find a mountain troll that you can either sneak past or fight, of course we’ll fight it since there has to be at least one cool fight scene for a quest to be good!

At the end you’ll find an area shown below, use Revelio to mark the letters on the ground and the letter box. Collect all of them for the quest. Now all you need to do is go back to the first NPC that gave you the quest and talk to them to complete it!

Congratulations you now know how to do this quest in Hogwarts Legacy, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: A Friend in Deed Hogwarts Legacy – YouTube
ALSO READ: Where to Find Maxima Potion Recipe – Hogwarts Legacy