Puzzles have been a part of many video games since the very first adventure games. Something about adventures and puzzles make developers add them to their games.
Even the newest and hottest game out there right now; Hogwarts Legacy, has a lot of puzzles from the side quests to even the main quests for players to solve. Some of these puzzles can be quite difficult while others can be solved by a head of lettuce.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to solve one of the puzzles in the game for those who are a bit stuck on what to do.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Solve Bridge Puzzle
This puzzle is located on the bridge in the outside area of Hogwarts and it has a circular gold symbol on the floor. There, you’ll find shapes with numbers corresponding to them.
You’ll need to match the shapes with the right number.

From the symbol on the ground to the right is the circle with a moon, set it to II.

The Opposite is a square with a cross symbol, the brazier is unlit so you’ll need to light it up with the Confringo spell. Then set the brazier to IV.

On the other side of the bridge is the triangle shape with a circle, light it up, and set it to III.

The last one is already set if you haven’t touched it yet so you can just light it up!

With that, the puzzle is finished and a small cutscene will play out.
Congratulations you now know how to do this puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, now go out there and try to get it yourself!
Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their YouTube video.
ALSO READ: Where to Find Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy | Location Guide