
Best Spell Combos to Use in Hogwarts Legacy

Don’t let the damage stop!

With the new Hogwarts Legacy out for every edition of the game from the Collectors edition to the standard one, everyone can now enjoy this hot new game!

Hogwarts Legacy lets you play as your own custom character being a student in Hogwarts way before the books and movies and it offers interesting characters, a great story to follow, and some great combat to boot!

The game has a lot of spells that you can use in combat and some of them can be strung up into combos to make fighting even more fun. In this guide, we’ll show you the best combos in Hogwarts Legacy!

Hogwarts Legacy – Best Spell Combos to Use

So why do you want to do combos in Hogwarts Legacy?

Well not only does it look so good especially when you show it off to your friends, but it also makes combat a little bit more fun and at the same time shortens it since you kill things faster!

That’s why it’s great to know what are the best combos so you can style on the enemy while destroying them efficiently!

Petrificus Totallus

Source: JorRaptor – YouTube

You’d be surprised at how well this spell actually is. It’s the highest damaging spell besides the Avada Kedavra but can only be used during stealth. Well not exactly!

The spell can actually be used in combat against the last enemy of the encounter, or with single enemies.

When you cast Glacius on the last enemy it’ll freeze them and the game thinks combat is over, so you can walk up to the enemy and cast Petrificus Totallus to delete them.

Another great combo for this spell is Imperio which turns an enemy into an ally. If they’re the last enemy or the only enemy, you can use Petrificus Totallus on them because the game thinks you’re out of combat!

Levioso, Depulso & Descendo

Source: JorRaptor – YouTube

If you want more style in your spellcasting then this combination is for you.

Levioso to make your enemies float, Depulso to launch them into a wall dealing more damage, and then finally casting Descendo before they touch the ground so that they can touch the ground a little bit harder!

Glacius & Diffindo

Source: JorRaptor – YouTube

Freezing an enemy using Glacius is a great crowd control spell but it’s also easier to control the crowd if it’s smaller.

Casting offensive spells after freezing them with Glacius can boost their damage, and Diffindo is the best one for this because of how quick and easy it is to set up and cast.

Accio, Descendo, Glacius & Incendio

Source: JorRaptor – YouTube

If you really want something dead fast then this is the combo for you.

Use Accio to get someone near you, Descendo to slam them into the ground, and once they bounce back up cast Glacius to freeze them.

Then cast Incendio to delete them from existence because it gets a damage boost from Glacius!

Transformation & Depulso

Source: JorRaptor – YouTube

Transformation makes enemies into objects, which is great for crowd control but it can also be great for combat as well.

When you transform an enemy into an object and attack that object, it just breaks the spell. But if you transform them and cast Depulso it’ll break them instead.

That’s right, casting Depulso after Transformation actually insta-kills the target, just as long as they’re affected by Transformation!

Congratulations you now know some of the best spell combinations in Hogwarts Legacy, now go out there and try it out yourself!

Many thanks to JorRaptor for showing everyone how to do these combos, if you need more information on the subject then go check their YouTube video out!

ALSO READ: How to Unlock All Challenge Rewards in Hogwarts Legacy


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