Going for a Voldemort build will of course need you to take the dark arts path of wizardry. What that means is that you will be a deadly and dark force not to be reckoned with.
In this guide, we are going to show you a Voldemort Avada Kedavra build that you can make in Hogwarts Legacy which is based on the books and movies. Let’s get started.
Voldemort Avada Kedavra Build – Hogwarts Legacy Build Guide

The most important thing to go for when playing with a Voldemort Build in Hogswarst Legacy will of course be the Dark Arts talents. We recommend that you literally take all of them since they’re all so well connected, and Voldemort would be really happy with them.
Make sure that you use the Curse as well as the Binding spells so that you will have a greater AoE damage effect when you deal with more enemies.

Another very important talent tree is of course the Core one. It is the most important tree to take no matter what build you are going for because it will make all of your spellcraft that much better and the chemistry with cooldowns and spells much better.
We recommend that you stick with the talents chosen in the picture above.

This is the most important spell to take when playing as Voldemort, that isn’t the Avada Kedavra spell.
Crucio is a spell and charm that does a lot of pain and tortures all of your enemy targets. This is screaming Voldemort by the way and not only did he use this spell in both the movies and the books, but it is also an extremely good spell to go for in the game.

Stealing somebodies mind and tricking them into fighting for you until they die screams Voldemort. That is why the second spell for the spellcasting list with Voldemort will be Imperio.
This has also been done on a large scale in both the movies and the books, but in the game, it is very well worth it in a combat situation. Make sure to use it at the beginning of the fight so that enemies can actually kill each other.

Avada Kedavra will be your bread and butter for this build.
It is the most important spell to take and we highly recommend that you upgrade it all the way to the maximum. It is one of the best spells in the game and a personal favorite of Voldemort, as you might have known.
Fourth Spell
You can go for a variety of spells when it comes to choosing the last spell in this build. It isn’t necessarily a very dark arts type of spell, but it is well worth it and very powerful.
Choose one of these:
- Flipendo
- Expelliarmus
- Arresto Momentum
Gear & Items

This is how the gear and uniform style should look when playing the Voldemort Build.
There isn’t anything else that you need to go for with the Traits other than Unforgivable 3. You want to put them literally on every piece of your gear set.
These are the individual pieces of gear for this build:
- Handwear – Ornate Juniper Gloves
- Facewear – Sanguine Mask
- Headwear – Leather Sorcerer Hat
- Outfit – Samhain Festival Garb
- Cloaks and Robes – Geometric House Cloak
- Neckwear – Spring Ivy Scarf
That is everything that you need to know when going for a Voldemort Avada Kedavra build in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope that this guide has helped you out with this matter.
A big thank you to Fextralife for all the helpful details and information.