
What To Do With Air Tanks In Sons Of The Forest

No, you don’t combine it with something!

In survival games, you get into the habit of getting things that you don’t really know what to use them from.

These types of games unlocks the hoarders within us and we try to get as much resources as possible in order to survive. Sometimes you get an item and you have no idea what to do with them, so you throw it in storage only to find it a few hours later and wonder why you picked it up in the first place.

In Sons of the Forest, there’s some items out there that seem to be useful but you don’t know what they’re used for.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use Air Tanks in the game!

Sons Of The Forest: What To Do With Air Tanks

When you’re running around trying to survive and getting anything that’s not bolted to the ground in Sons of the Forest you might have come across some Air Tanks.

You also might have tried to combine it with other items to see what works, and then you notice that it works with nothing, so what are these Air tanks for?

Well they’re actually a resource for something else!

Source: Gamers Heroes – YouTube

Air tanks in the game are automatically used to refill the Rebreather, an item you use to go underwater. So if you want to use your Rebreather in the game you should have some Air tanks with you so you can stay underwater longer! You don’t want to run out of air down there!

Congratulations you now know how to use air tanks in Sons of the Forest, now go out there and try to do it yourself!

Many thanks to Gamers Heroes for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their YouTube video.

ALSO READ: How To Increase Strength In Sons Of The Forest


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