Whenever crafting gets involved in games like Coral Island you can bet that there will be some confusion among players when trying to figure out how to turn object A into object B. That goes double for farming enthusiasts who want to dip their toes into ingot making, sure it sounds simple at first: gather ores, shovel coal and heat them up only to melt them again, shape the ore into an actual bar, fail to pay attention because it just got convoluted. If the latter happened to you just now then stick around and read the guide on how to make a bronze bar, it’s time to heat things up a notch!
Coral Island – How to Make A Bronze Bar
Making a bronze bar will be vital to your crafting ventures, with this material you can make the cheese press, mayonnaise machine, the mill and a whole lot of other things that will net you money later on. To begin, you have to have gathered a sizeable amount of bronze ores first. What? These bars don’t manifest on their own you know!

Once you’ve gathered enough bronze ores from the Earth Cavern northeast of the island you’re going to have to craft yourself a Furnace. You can do this with 40 pieces of stone and 20 pieces of bronze ore. Now all that is left to do is plop down the furnace, walk up to it with five pieces of any kind of ore in hand and some charcoal. You can just right click on the furnace and wait for a few minutes for it to produce the bars you need.
It would be better if you have a lot of these furnaces lying around since they take their sweet time when making bars. You can also buy bronze ores for 100 gold each if you like making people feel uncomfortable. Now try it out for yourself and get heated!
ALSO READ: How to Make Wheat Flour in Coral Island