
Roots of Pacha: Early Ways to Make Money | Contribution Points

Need currencies to advance further in the game? Here’s how.

How to make money roots of pacha featured image

In Roots of Pacha, the main currency players can use to unlock new features is Contribution. This can be obtained by completing a variety of actions, such as donating food or supplies to the clan. For all of the efforts, players will be given contribution points.

In this guide, we will provide you with a few ways you can gain more Contributions in Roots of Pacha. There is no best way to make money in Roots of Pacha as you will find more other options to choose from as you progress.

What Are Contribution Points?

In this game, there is no money, coins or other currencies you often run into. Instead, you will explore a system known as the Contribution Points system. This system is used to keep track of your efforts when it comes to growing and donating to the clan. 

In order to obtain these points, players will need to donate their hard-earned items by placing them in the contribution bin. The contribution is located north of the bonfire in the Clan Village. After donating the items, you have one day to view what you donated, or choose to retrieve them. When the day ends, the bin will be emptied and your contribution points will be calculated.

Image of Donation Bin

The First Method – Fishing

In the early stages of the game, Fishing can be one of the best ways for you to find materials to donate to the contribution bin. In the next section, we will provide you with all the things you need to know about Fishing.

Finding Your Fishing Spot

One of the locations that we recommend you fish in is in the Forest area. You can use your map to get to the Forest. When you get there, you will want to head South to the very bottom of the map. You will see a river as you travel in the area, and that is your fishing spot.

Location on map

The Fishing Process – What Fish to Prioritize

When you get to the river, start fishing by interacting with it. In the Fishing Process, you do not want to waste your Stamina on catching any fish you see. Instead, you want to prioritize the good ones. The good fish are those that have a 4 bars icon below them (see the image down below).

Fishing pool with 4 bar fish

Now you may be thinking, why the fish with four bars? Because these fish provide a high amount of contribution points when you dry, or smoke them. These fish can require a lot of effort to catch, but if you smoke/dry them, they can give up to 100 contribution points. Since they give that much, try to catch as much as you can, getting from 10 to 15 fish can be ideal.

Drying the Fish You Obtained

Now you have your fish in your inventory, you want to dry them before you donate to the contribution bin. Dried Fish can be created by using a dryer processor, also called a Solar Dryer. When you interact with a Solar Dryer, you can put in up to 4 fish, each of them taking 3 hours to dry. 

Solar dryer and died fish in queue

In order to craft a Solar Dryer, you will need to use a crafting bench. You will be able to find the Solar Dryer in the crafting bench, in the second-last option. To craft a Solar Dryer, you will need to get 10 wood (can be obtained from trees) and 15 stones (by breaking rocks).

Crafting materials required

Donate Dried Fish for Contributions

After you dry your fish, take them to the Contribution Bin to donate. With around a dozen fish donated, you can get more than 100 donation points. To get more points, continue to fish, and dry, and fish, and dry! You will get rich in no time as you keep doing the fishing.

Donating dried fish

The Second Method – Planting/Farming

Another way players can gain more contribution points early is through farming and planting. 

How to Find Plant Seeds

In order you find seeds, you need to first find the wild plant in its native region. Each wild plant will give you a seed. You can bring these seeds back to the village to plant in your fields. Please note that domesticated plants that you plant on fields do not give further seeds. Moreover, plants only grow in their season.

Plant seeds

The Knowledge System

Do you know that you can progress with the farming system as well? The more you harvest plants, the higher your knowledge level about that plant will be. This means that you have a higher chance for high-quality harvested products. These crops come with item tags such as Good, Better, or Best. The better the quality, the more contribution points you get from donating.

Knowledge system

Drying the Plants You Harvested

Just like what you are able to do with fish, plants can also be processed into better products using the processors such as the Solar Dryer, the Press, or a Mortar and Pestle. Let’s look at a few examples:

  1. With the Solar Dryer, you can turn Tomatoes, Pomegranates or other crops into their dried version
  2. With the Mortar and Pestle, you can turn Wheat into Flour or vegetables into plant meat.
  3. With the Press, you can make Fruit Juice, like a Pomegranate Juice.

These products, after processed, can give you an extra amount of contribution points. Below is an image of a Carrot Juice being produced.

The Press to make juice

As a new player in Roots of Pacha, there is not a wide range of options for you to choose from when making money. However, we believe that some of the best ways for contribution points are from Fishing and Farming. For more Roots of Pacha guides, check out some of our other guides.

READ NEXT: Roots of Pacha: How to Upgrade Tools


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