The nightmare continues in Alan Wake 2, not only are you left alone with your intrusive writings yet again, but you also have to deal with navigating complex obstacles like the back of a studio! Some people are just a not a fan of ambiguous objectives, especially if they’re being pressured by things that go bump in the night.
There’s still a way to make it out of the studio however, so if you’re confused about what you need to do then stick around. We have all the answers you’ll need in the guide below!
Find a Way Out of the Talk Show Studio
You’re going to encounter two doors in the studio that will require a three-digit combination for them to open.
The first one will be right after you leave the stage. There’s a dressing room that you can explore that comes right before the first locked exit.
It’s in the same hallway and has the label “Old Gods Of Asgard” on it. You’ll find the number 665 in the back. Use that for the keypad on the locked door.

Once you go through the doors, it’s just a matter of following the exit signs that lead into the hallway. The doorway leading into the cafeteria at the end of the hall is locked.
Instead of trying to force the door to open, head into the storage room instead. That’s on the right side of the hallway if you haven’t passed it yet.

Find the door in the storage room that leads to the cafeteria. It’s the one door in the back that has a red light on it.

After you finish the cutscene and get out of the writing room, you should be in the cafeteria. There’s another exit in the back that leads into the locked basement.
You’ll need to talk to the Janitor first to get inside. His office is in the cafeteria as well.

Now you need to go to the basement. Exit the janitor’s room and turn right. You’ll see an exit that leads into the same hallway you were in earlier.
Go straight through the door in front of you instead. The door to the basement will be on your right.

There’s only one flight of stairs here that goes down. Once you’re at the bottom, head straight for the well-lit room on the other side.
Inside, you’ll find the old lamp and shoebox the janitor mentioned earlier.

Once you have your new toy lamp with you, circle back into the first room. You’re going to have to deal with some pipes when you get back to the other side. Use your lamp to change the environment around you to get through.

Go up the stairs and turn right into the hallway. The doorway that leads to the exit will be on your right. Use the lamp on the TV inside of the room to get to the surface.

And that’s how you get out of the studio in Alan Wake 2. Now you can finally visit other places while you piece together your next story!
ALSO READ: Alan Wake 2: Computer Password | Witchfinder’s Station