Demon Slayer has a lot of fun characters that you can go for in terms of very different playstyles and combat. Each of them has something unique to bring to the table and although that is the case, there are some characters that simply outshine others in almost everything.
In this tier list, we will be giving you the best Demon Slayer characters as well as the worst. You will easily find out what characters you should be playing and which ones to skip out on. Let’s get started.
Demon Slayer – All Demon Slayer Characters Tier List | Ranked

If you ever wanted to go for the best slayer character in the game, we highly recommend that you check out the S+ and the S tier ones. All of them are very fast-hitting and can provide you lots of free room to think of attacks while having the enemies pounded at the edge of the map. If you are playing against them, however, make sure to not chase them as they are demons and can heal a lot.
If you wanted to go for the best assist classes you should check out the A tier. All of them have very interesting battle styles that have a harder learning curve but can hold their ground even against the S + tier too if placed in good hands.
The B tier is somewhere in the middle and we can even say that the C tier can be good at only some scenarios while being terrible in others.
If you do want a challenge, however, you should be going down to the D tier. They are not just terrible to play as, but some of their combos simply are not working in the game for unknown reasons. You should be skipping out on them or playing them for a challenge.
That’s all that you need to know about the Tier List in Demon Slayer. We hope that this guide has helped you out on what characters to play as more. A big thank you to Globku from YouTube for his insight and information.
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