In Genshin Impact you do a lot of things, but the most you’ll do is exploring and doing quests. That’s because there’s a lot of quests in the game and the map is just huge! The game incentivizes people who explore the vast map and gives them rewards for solving puzzles and doing side quests. Each puzzle in the world gives you rewards, most common being a chest filled with goodies and Primogems, so it’s good to find these. In this guide we’ll show you how to do one of the puzzles in the game.
Genshin Impact: All Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seal Locations
In the Wadi Al Majuj area of the map you can find absolutely nothing if you just teleport into the area. That’s because most of the things to see is actually underground, and the first thing you’re going to do is jump into the crevice and land on the area shown on the image below.

Continue through the path until you reach the obelisk. This is the Primal Obelisk of the area and you’ll need to interact with it and choose “Mark Sacred Seals.” This will mark all the sacred seals in the area.

Sacred Seal 1

The first one is easy to get since it’s just north of the obelisk, just follow the path north and jump through the gap and to the left on some rubble is your first Sacred Seal.
Sacred Seal 2

Continue following the path north until you reach the river, continue going north until you drop down a waterfall, just below is another Sacred Seal.
Sacred Seal 3

Go back to the Teleportation point of Wadi Al Majuj and go directly west, jumping down until the very bottom. There you’ll find a Sacred Seal on one of the pillars.
Sacred Seal 4

Continue going southeast, up the sands and go right once you see the toppled down pillar. There above you’ll see a wall with a torch and a sacred seal on top of it.

Sacred Seal 5

East of the previous one you’ll find a ladder going up, continue through the wooden platform and cross the broken bridge to the north, you’ll find an enemy and a Sacred Seal next to it.

Sacred Seal 6

The last oen can be found further east on top of the ruins on a pillar.

Once you’ve collected all of them, go back to the Obelisk and slot them all in for the reward! Congratulations you now know how to do these puzzles in Genshin Impact, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: All Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seal Locations Genshin Impact – YouTube
ALSO READ: Border Fort Location – Genshin Impact