Anime Adventures: Best Trading Value Tier List (Updated)

Christian Gallos
12 Min Read

Anime Adventures is a game that brings together various characters from popular anime series and lets you collect them in order to participate in various activities. There is a wide variety of both heroes and villains that you can acquire, and since you can trade with other players, you’re probably wondering what the value is for each one of them. With that said, here is a trading value tier list detailing the worth of each character and whether or not their current cost is stable.

Best Trading Value Tier List (Updated)

Since Anime Adventures is regularly updated, the stats of various characters can change, and the rarity of some will cause their value to change over time. With that said, this list will look at which units are worth their current value and whether characters from each tier are desirable or not at the moment.

Anime Adventures trade


Jio (Over Heaven) / Dio (SHINY)Owner’s choiceLowOverpriced
Future Guhon / Gohan (SHINY)Owner’s choiceAverageStable
Future Guhon / Gohan16,000HighStable
Jio (Over Heaven) / Dio15,000AverageStable
Blue Devil / Rin (SHINY)12,250AverageStable
Blue Devil / Rin7,500HighStable
Mist Ninja / Zabuza (SHINY)5,850HighStable
Roger / Gol D. Roger (SHINY)5,350AverageUnstable
Android 21 (SHINY)5,250HighStable
Homuru / Homura (SHINY)3,900Very HighStable
Emili / Emilia (SHINY)3,600AverageStable
Toby / Tobi (SHINY)3,300LowStable
Android 213,175HighStable
Skull Knight (SHINY)3,100HighStable
Hie / Hiei (SHINY)3,000AverageStable
Boron / Boros (SHINY)2,750HighStable
Ging / Gin (SHINY)2,500HighOverpriced
Saicky / Saiki K (SHINY)2,500LowStable
Jelly / Jellal (SHINY)2,000AverageStable
Lulu / Lellouch (SHINY)2,000Very lowUnstable
Gilgamesh (SHINY)1,850AverageStable
Unohona / Unohana (SHINY)1,750HighStable
Kumo / Kuma (SHINY)1,650Very lowStable
Mamy / Mamy (SHINY)1,550HighStable
Anime Adventures future guhon


Saiky / Saiki1,450LowStable
Tango / Tengen (SHINY)1,425LowStable
Hie / Hiei1,400LowStable
Power (SHINY)1400HighStable
Kumo / Kuma1,350LowStable
Flamingo / Doflamingo (SHINY)1,350AverageStable
Piccoru / Piccolo (SHINY)1300HighStable
Roger / Gol D. Roger1,300AverageStable
Kisoko / Kisuke (Bankai) (SHINY)1,200AverageStable
Ezra / Erza (Lightning) (SHINY)1,175LowStable
Merlyn / Merlin (SHINY)1,100LowStable
Yamomoto / Yamamoto (SHINY)1,000LowStable
Wavy / Nejire (SHINY)975LowStable
Ria / Rias (SHINY)950HighStable
Snake Princess / Boa (SHINY)925AverageStable
Shisu / Shisui (SHINY)900HighStable
Rayleigh (SHINY)875Average
Kenshi / Kenshin (SHINY)850LowStable
Poseidon (SHINY)800LowStable
Kimomaro / Kimimaro (SHINY)800LowStable
Temori / Temari (SHINY)800LowStable
Jozo / Jozu (SHINY)800LowStable
Mist Ninja / Zabuza725LowStable
Harribu / Harribel (SHINY)675AverageStable
Angel (SHINY)675AverageStable
Issai / Issei (SHINY)635AverageStable
Bombietta / Bambietta (SHINY)625AverageStable
Luci / Lucy (SHINY)625AverageStable
Homuru / Homura600HighStable
Boxo (SHINY)600LowStable
Rohon / Rohan (SHINY)600AverageStable
Daky / Daki (SHINY)600AverageStable
Ice Queen / Esdeath (SHINY)575LowStable
Geto/ Geto (SHINY)550LowStable
Akena / Akeno (SHINY)550LowStable
Nejiri / Nejire545LowStable
Yoshina / Yoshino (SHINY)500AverageStable
Gowther / Gowthy (SHINY)490AverageStable
Heathcliff (SHINY)475AverageStable
Inuyasha / Inuyashu (SHINY)475Very lowStable
Ji Mo Ri / Jin Mori (SHINY)470LowStable
Akin / Aki (SHINY)460LowStable
Tatsumo / Tatsumi (SHINY)460Very lowStable
Madoko / Madoka (SHINY)450AverageStable
Cooler (SHINY)450LowStable
Chainsaw (SHINY)430LowStable
Peruna / Perona (SHINY)425LowStable
Kenshi / Kenshin 415LowStable
Kimomaro / Kimimaro400Very lowStable
Temori / Temari400Very lowStable
Isago / Isagi (SHINY)390LowStable
Ipo / Ippo (SHINY)385LowStable
Jozo / Jozu385Very lowStable
Buggy (SHINY)380LowStable
Sayako / Sayaka (SHINY)375LowStable
Minata / Minato (SHINY)375LowStable
Kuneko / Koneko (SHINY)375LowStable
Broke / Brook (SHINY)365LowStable
Roshy / Roshi (SHINY)365Very lowStable
Koyka / Kyoko (SHINY)350LowStable
Kit / Kite (SHINY)335LowStable
Klay/ Klein (SHINY)335LowStable
Todoro / Todoroki (SHINY)325LowStable
Weather / Weather Report (SHINY)325LowStable
Emili / Emilia325AverageStable
Avdo / Avdol (SHINY)300LowStable
Anime Adventures hie


Flamingo / Doflamingo220Very lowStable
Kent / Kento (SHINY)215Very lowStable
Boron / Boros200LowStable
Lucky / Luck (SHINY)190Extremely lowStable
Lulu / Lelouch185Extremely lowDeclining
Moriu / Moria (SHINY)185Extremely lowStable
Fire Fist / Ace (SHINY)180Very lowStable
Ji Mo Ri / Jin Mori180Very lowStable
Inuyasha / Inuyashu180Very lowStable
Tatsumo / Tatsumi180Very lowStable
Yamomoto / Yamamoto (Hellfire)180Very lowStable
Ipo / Ippo165Very lowStable
Buggy160Very lowStable
Isago / Isagi160Very lowStable
Carrot (SHINY)155Very lowStable
Oshy / Ai Hoshino (SHINY)150Very lowStable
Mirka / Mirko (SHINY)140Very lowStable
Denjy / Denji Secret (SHINY)125Very lowStable
Power120Very lowStable
Merlyn / Merlin115Very lowStable
Haka / Haku (Reflection) (SHINY)110Extremely lowStable
Kisoko / Kisuke (Bankai)110Very lowStable
Poseidon105Very lowStable
Ezra / Erza Lightning100Very lowStable
Jelly / Jellal (Heaven)80Very lowStable
Angel70Very lowStable
Akin / Aki70Very lowStable
Ice Queen / Esdeath (Empire’s Strongest)70Very lowStable
Navi / Nami (SHINY)70Very lowStable
Daky / Daki65Very lowStable
Harribu / Harribel60Very lowStable
Heathcliff60Very lowStable
Mamy / Mami55Very lowStable
Veko (SHINY)50Extremely lowStable
Ria / Rias50Very lowStable
Akena / Akeno50Very lowStable
Issai / Issei50Very lowStable
Kuneko / Koneko50Very lowStable
Shisu / Shisui50Extremely lowStable
Piccoru / Piccolo50Extremely lowStable
Chainsaw / Denji50Extremely lowStable
Getu / Geto (Maximum)50Extremely lowStable
Luci / Lucy (All Keys)50Very lowStable
Ichi (Full Hollow) / Ichigo (Full Hollow) (SHINY)50Extremely lowStable
Renzi / Renji (SHINY)50Extremely lowStable
Madoko / Madoka45Very lowStable
Navi / Nami45Very lowStable
Avdo / Avdol40Very lowStable
Klay / Klein40Very lowStable
Bombietta / Bambietta40Very lowStable
Oshy / Ai Hoshino35Very lowStable
Sayako / Sayaka30Extremely lowStable
Broke / Brook35Extremely lowStable
Peruna / Perona35Extremely lowStable
Ezra (Valkyrie) / Erza35Extremely lowStable
Snake Princess / Boa35Extremely lowStable
Minata / Minato35Extremely lowStable
Rayleigh35Extremely lowStable
Unohona / Unohana35Extremely lowStable
Anime Adventures ice queen


Kizume / Kisame30Extremely lowStable
Kyoka / Kyoko30Extremely lowStable
Hime / Himeno30Extremely lowStable
Tango / Tengen30Extremely lowStable
Kobeno / Kobeni25Extremely lowStable
Gowthy / Gowther25Extremely lowStable
Roshy / Roshi25Extremely lowStable
Tobi / Toby20Extremely lowStable
Ezra (True Heart) / Erza17Extremely lowStable
Getan / Geten (SHINY)15Extremely lowStable
Nightmare Luffo / Nightmare Luffy (SHINY)15Extremely lowStable
Shingo / Shinji (SHINY)15Extremely lowStable
Mecha Freezo / Mecha Frieza (SHINY)15Extremely lowStable
Heavy Weather / Weather Report15Extremely lowStable
Todorro / Todoroki13Extremely lowStable
Toshin / Toshiro10Extremely lowStable
Veko10Extremely lowStable
Ging10Extremely lowStable
Luci / Lucy10Extremely lowStable
Kent / Kento10Extremely lowStable
Kit / Kite10Extremely lowStable
Lucky / Luck10Extremely lowStable
Moriu / Moria10Extremely lowStable
Ezra / Erza10Extremely lowStable
Haku / Haku (Reflection)10Extremely lowStable
Fire Fist / Ace5Extremely lowStable
Ichi (Full Hollow) / Ichigo (Full Hollow)5Extremely lowStable
Renzi / Renji5Extremely lowStable
Luffo (Marine’s Ford) / Luffy (Marineford)5Extremely lowStable
Shingo / Shinji5Extremely lowStable
Getan / Geten5Extremely lowStable
Mecha Freezo / MechaFrieza5Extremely lowStable
Yoshina / Yoshino5Extremely lowStable
Carrot5Extremely lowStable
Mirka / Mirko5Extremely lowStable
Anime Adventures nightmare luffo

If you want a more detailed rundown of every single character, including how many of rare characters are estimated to be in the game and a list of worthwhile trading servers, check out this spreadsheet by Rexon.

And that concludes this trading value tier list for Anime Adventures. Hopefully, this will help you evaluate your trading options and determine whether or not you are getting fair trades with other players or if you need to wait until the price of something stabilizes first!

Christian has been deep in the gaming world for over a decade, transitioned from being a League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports player to creating video game content full-time. He's dabbled in all kinds of genres and platforms, building not just skills but a long list of games played along the way. These days, Christian is all about sharing that passion, making content that feels real, relatable, connected and most importantly, helpful to the gaming community!
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