Anime Defenders just released another huge update that introduced even more new stuff to grind for, so we hope you get extremely lucky as this means new meta units are coming in hot! In this guide, we will be showing you how to get those new Golden Knight Portals as fast as possible, as well as explain why you might want to do so!
Fastest Way to Get the New Golden Knight Portals
First up, before you can start grinding for any of them, you will need to go through all of the new levels starting from Magma Cave all the way to the final chapter of Underwater City. Once you have completed all of that, you can now play Infinite Mode on Underwater City.
The Underwater City Infinite Mode map is the best (and only) place to farm Golden Knight Portals of either rare or epic rarity, and these will be your main way of grinding for better Golden Knight Portals.
What you need to do is reach Wave 31 in order to get your drops, and then just reset after that. You can get Rare Golden Knight Portals at a rate of 50%, while the Epic version has a drop chance of 30%. This means that in most runs, you should be getting at least the lowest tier version.
If you have Wave Jumpers, feel free to use them so you can skip ahead and claim your (potential) Golden Knight Portals immediately before restarting the level. That’s pretty much all you need to do in order to get these new portal items.

Other Helpful Tips – Getting Secret Portals + Unit ASAP
Once you have a bunch of Golden Knight Portals, you will probably notice that their potential rewards will often include the next tier of the same portal. This means that you should be doing them regardless of how rare they are.
By grinding out even the lowest tier portals you have, you will eventually rack up a bunch of higher rarity ones. These can go all the way up to Secret, though the chances for that one is really low. Here are the different tiers and some of their rewards:
- Golden Knight Portal (Rare / Blue) – 100% chance to drop Golden Knight Portal (Epic), as well as some gems and a few phoenix feathers.
- Golden Knight Portal (Epic / Purple) – 60% chance to drop the Legendary version of the portal. 50% chance to drop an epic Radiant Guardian unit.
- Golden Knight Portal (Legendary / Gold) – 40% chance to drop the Mythic version of the portal. 40% chance to drop a legendary Golden Emperor unit.
- Golden Knight Portal (Mythic / Rainbow) – A very low 2.5% chance to drop the Secret version of the portal. 5% chance to drop the Bionic Machine mythic unit.
- Golden Knight Portal (SECRET / Dark Red) – 100% chance to get the Golden Boy unit, which is the new secret character that is very expensive to evolve.
As you can see, there is quite a long road ahead of you if you want to try and get your very own secret Golden Boy unit. One helpful tip that you can take advantage of is that you can use Portal Hardeners to increase your chances of success.
By using your Portal Hardeners (you will need five pieces each time) on your Mythic Golden Knight Portals, you can repeatedly use it until you get a Secret version of the item. This works great especially if you only have a single one to work with.
Just don’t forget to re-use Portal Hardeners on your one Mythic Golden Knight Portal after every run. Keep grinding this way until you get a Secret portal, and find some more hardeners if you didn’t get the drop by the time you run out of them.
NOTE: Portal Hardeners work for any of the portal rarities, so make sure that you are not accidentally using it on anything other than a Mythic one. It is not recommended to use them on anything lower than that.

Finally, you can also join other players whenever they open portals, as long as you ask them nicely and they say yes! Take note, however, that for portals that don’t have guaranteed drops, the rates will be halved (or close to half) for everybody except the host.
For example, if you join somebody who is hosting a Mythic Golden Knight Portal, you will have around 1.5% chance to get the secret version as opposed to the host’s 2.5% rate. This makes partying up less reliable, but it’s still better than nothing!
Once you finally get your own Golden Boy, you will want to keep grinding Golden Knight Portals of any rarity. The item you need to evolve him to Golden Adult will require stuff that drops from each of the different tiers, including multiple copies of the epic and legendary units as well.
To be more specific, you will need five Golden Emperors (legendary unit) and ten Radiant Guardians (epic unit) from these portals. With that in mind, you’re going to be running Underwater City Infinite Mode a lot in the foreseeable future.

And that is everything you need to know in order to get these new Golden Knight Portals as fast as possible, as well as how to best utilize them and what they can drop for you. While you are here, check out our best units tier list for Anime Defenders (Update 5) to help you figure out what characters to bring with you as you grind infinites and portals!