Anime Unlimited: Reborn is a game where you will be playing as your favorite anime characters and fight against many other players in a battleground. Recently, the game has received a lot of new changes that made it very different from the old version.
The new version of the game features a lot of new M1 moves and how you would perform combos. Whether you are a new player or an old player, it is important that you know how the new system works. In this guide, we will show you some combos in Anime Unlimited: Reborn.
How To Combo Guide
Currently, there are 5 different types of M1 combos that you can use:
- Regular M1s
- Uppercut M1s
- Ground M1s Slam
- Uppercut M1s + Pushback
- Air M1s
The next sections will discuss how you can use these M1s combos to maximize damage and when you should use them.
Regular M1s
Regular M1s is the easiest combo to do, you only need to keep clicking for it to work. However, keep in mind that if you use a skill during the combo, it does not reset.
Using skills will shorten your combo, which you do not want to happen. Your best tip is to use this as a combo finisher combined with a blast ability.
Your final hit will knock your opponents backward, so you’ll want to use a blast ability like Goku’s Kamehameha or Vegito’s Big Bang Kamehameha to hit your opponents and maximize damage.

Uppercut M1s
The Uppercut M1s can be done by pressing the jump button (Space) as you are using M1s. This has a greater amount of combo potential and you can use it as a Combo Extender.
At the end of the combo, you can use one ability to extend your combos and do the attacks again. By doing this, you can extend your combos and deal damage to your enemies.

Ground M1s Slam
The Ground Slam M1s has the most damage potential out of all the combos. You can do this combo by pressing M1s four times, on the fifth M1, you will jump and click.
At the end of your combo, you can use a combo extender ability to extend it.

Uppercut M1s + Pushback
You can do the Uppercut Pushback M1s by holding space throughout the entire combo. Usually, you’ll want to avoid using this combo.
However, you can still use this combo to end your enemies along with a blast ability.

Air M1s
The Air M1s will launch your opponent upwards at the end of the combo. These M1s are also quite useless unless you are using a character that has a move that follows up this type of M1. For example, you can use Gojo to guarantee a hit in the air.
You can do this combo by doing the Regular M1s combo and press space near the end of it.

Wall Combos
Wall Combos are when you hit your enemies and they get launched into the wall and then bounce back. It will only work if you do special attacks when your enemies are next to a wall.
If you use normal attacks, it will usually miss and won’t work when you try to hit your enemies.

Those are some of the combos you’ll want to know in Anime Unlimited: Reborn. In the new update, the ways that you do combos have changed so it is very important for you to understand the new changes. Each type of combo will be useful in its own way, so you can be creative with how you want to utilize all the combos.
Keep in mind that some combos may be considered to be ‘useless’ for now, but there are always new changes and additions to the game that make it different. For example, there can be new characters with unique moves that make useless combos work for them. With that said, all combos in the game have the potential to become useful.
There are many characters you can use in the game. How about taking a look at this Anime Unlimited: Best Characters Tier List next? Knowing the best characters to use can increase your chance of winning all your in-game matches and duels!