Getting every stage of Haki in A One Piece Game (AOPG) is a major damage buffer. A full-body Haki will improve your dungeon and raid runs, but they’re not by any means, easy to get. We’ll show you the steps to unlock every stage of Haki, the requirements, and where to grind.
Credits to Jace on YouTube for the detailed explanation.
How To Get Every Stage Of Haki
There are basically three types of Haki that you have in AOPG: Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror’s Haki. Each of them has several stages to upgrade to them and a full-body Haki does wonders in buffing your damage and survivability.
Armament Haki
For Armament V1, you need to find Raleigh in Random Wilderness who is in the First Sea. You can find him from Dawn Island on a tall pillar to the left of the New Alabasta. Pay 700k Beli and he’ll teach you Haki.

For Armament V2, we now head to Second Sea’s Zou Island after you have 1.7 Haki Stats. Speak to the Armament Haki Trainer who’ll give you a quest to unlock the Advanced Haki, or Armament V2.
The quest for Armament V2 requires you to kill 120 Rookie Blackbeard Pirates, 100 Experienced Blackbeard Pirates, 1 Scythe, and 1 Blackbeard boss. The reward is unlocking Advanced Haki which is 1.3x buff on HP and Damage, and an Emission.

For Armament V3, you still talk to the same trainer and will need at least 2.5k Haki Stats. The quest will be to kill 100 Senior Rank Outlaws, 100 Seargeant Rank Outlaws, 3 Frost Bandit Executive Yukis, and 3 Outlaw General Inei’s. The reward is Armament V3 which is additional 1.5x HP buff, 2x damage buff, and a Haki color!
Observation Haki
For Observation Haki, gain 100 levels in Haki Stats. For every other 100 Haki Stats, you get additional 0.5s to your Observation Haki. With every upgrade, you increase the duration. This allows you to dodge attacks while it’s active.

For Observation Haki V2, you need 1.5k Haki stats and meet the Observation Haki Trainer on Zoa Island. You will get a quest that requires you to kill 160 Rabbit guards, 50 Superior Cat Guardian, 3 Major Feline Mini-Bosses, and 1 General K9.
For Observation Haki V3, you need 2k Haki stats, and then get the quest again. You will need to kill 80 Weak CP9 Members, 80 Strong CP9 Members, 3 Bluenos, and 2 Rob Luccis. On top of the V3 upgrade, you also get the Future Sight.
Conqueror’s Haki
The Conqueror’s Haki is the most grindy Haki to get as you need to defeat the Boss in the Arena in the First Sea. While the percentage has been in debate, it has at most, a 1.5% chance of dropping. Alternatively, it’s sold by the Gem Merchant in exchange of Robux.
King’s Haki (Haki V4)
The access to get the Haki V4 upgrade is on Onigashima Island, from NPC Andre. The requirements are 4.5k Haki stats, both Armament and Observation Haki at V3, and the Conqueror’s Haki.
The quest will be to kill three Yonkos (the poneglyth is no longer necessary). You can find Blackbeard on Pirate Paradise, Kaido from Wano, Big Mom in Big Mom Raid, and Shanks in Shanks Raid.

Go back to Andre and you’ll get King’s Haki which is 1.7x HP buff, and 2x damage buff.
Full-Body Haki
On Shanks Island, there’s the Haki upgrader who will improve your Haki and there are four stages to upgrade:
- Stage one requires 5k Haki stats, 10k gems and one Pica Dungeon run. You get 2.3 times HP and 1.9 damage buff.
- Stage two requires 5.4k Haki stats, 15k gems, and two Pica Dungeon runs. You get 2.6 times HP and 2.2 damage buff.
- Stage three requires 6k Haki stats, 20k gems, and three Pica Dungeon runs. You get 3.2 times HP and 2.5 damage buff.
- Stage four requires 7k Haki stats, 30k gems, and four Pica Dungeon runs. You get 4 times HP and 3.2 damage buff.
That concludes everything you need to do to get every stage of Haki and eventually, the full-body Haki in AOPG.
ALSO READ: AOPG – Best Fruits Tier List | Roblox