In A One Piece Game, collecting Poneglyphs is essential for overall progression and better playing experience. They’ll also be required for you to reach the Third Sea. If you missed out on the codes and in dire need of Poneglyphs, I’m here to help. In this guide, I’ll show you everything you’ll need to know about them. Let’s jump right into it!
Ultimate Poneglyph Guide
Now, when it comes to collecting Poneglyphs, it’s important to note that their spawn time can vary, and they typically appear every 45 minutes on a fresh server, disappearing after 20 minutes.
The challenge here is that you’ll have to race other players on getting the Poneglyphs as well. For this, you might want to join low-player servers.
Also, it also becomes pretty straightforward once you’ve figured out the island route and their locations, which I’ll show further in this guide.
Where to Find Poneglyphs
Now, in order to efficiently farm the Poneglyphs, I suggest following this route in the given order. Also, you might want to use your island tracker to do this more easily.
For the exact spawn locations, you may refer to the images attached for each island.
NOTE: These locations are only for the First Sea.
Dawn Island
First up, for the Dawn Island, the Poneglyphs can spawn on either location, but the Island is small, making them easy to spot.

Logue Town
There are two spawn locations for Logue Town, which is behind the big blue house and another one between the green and red house as shown in the image below.

Ice Island
Up next, we have Ice Island. This island has three spawn points:
- One on the top of the arch.
- One in the middle of the island.
- And another one on the hill close to the second spot.

As for Marineford, there are three spawn locations as well. The first two are pretty close to each other. There’s one on top of this structure and another one behind this wall as shown in the image.

Meanwhile, the third one is on the back of the Marineford main building.

Next up, we have the Arena. The spots in here are pretty straightforward. There’s one in the middle of the island (inside the Arena), and the other two locations are on the adjacent platforms outside the arena.

Punk Hazard
As for the Punk Hazard Island, there’s a spawn point right next to the Boss’s location, could be on either side.

Then, move to the island with the Cacti and there will be two spawn points in here. There’s one for each gap on the side of the small mound.

Lastly, we have Skypeia. For this island, there are two spawn points in the Castle. There’s one in the middle of the Castle’s roof, and another one on the right side of the Castle.

There is also a spawn point in the roof of this building as shown in the image below.
And that’s pretty much all the spawn location that I know so far for the First Sea. If there are some other spots that I haven’t covered, feel free to let us know in the comments.

How to Use Poneglyphs
Now, besides using them to reach the Third Sea. You can also use the Poneglyphs to increase your Gem cap.
In order to do that, visit the Poneglyph Merchant, located on an island just to the right of New Alabasta behind Marineford.
Now, you’ll have to trade one Poneglyph for a 1,000 gem cap increase, with the Default cap being 35,000.
Now that we’re done with the nitty-gritty, you may want to check out this guide on How To Get Mink V2 & Electro V2 as well!

And that’s everything you’ll need to know about Poneglyphs in AOGP. Keep in mind that there are other possible spawn locations that you may come across. Also, it’s important to take in mind of the spawn and despawn timers for more efficient farming. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below.