
Arcane Lineage: New Metroms Vessel Guide

Time to take down one of the hardest bosses in Arcane Lineage: Metrom’s Vessel.

Metrom's Vessel in Arcane Lineage
This one's going to hurt.

You know, one of the things that a certain breed of gamers looks for in a title is a hardcore experience — one that really gets to test their mettle. It doesn’t matter what the genre is, so long as you are rewarded for hard work and clever thinking.

You might not believe it, but Roblox of all things has this experience in the form of Arcane Lineage. It’s a turn-based strategy game developed specifically for hardcore gamers. We’re going to be having a look at the definitive New Metroms Vessel Guide, as this boss does not mess around.

New Metroms Vessel Guide

Before its most recent update, Metrom’s Vessel honestly wasn’t so bad. However, with this new update, he’s got plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

For those curious about what Metrom’s Vessel actually is, here’s the description you’ll find within the game:

“Thanasius’ servant and right hand man, it seems he took possession of the body of the sword hero, Tyrannus.”

It certainly reads like it’s pretty ominous, doesn’t it? Well, we’re going to get ourselves acquainted with Metrom’s Vessel, ensuring that you learn everything you possibly can. Keep in mind that when it comes to Arcane Lineage, preparation is king. Those who make the necessary preparations and learn about class tiers will get their just rewards.

Metrom's Vessel 2 in Arcane Lineage
He’s about as difficult as he looks!

Quick Tips Before Continuing

Remember that in order to get to the Metrom’s Vessel boss arena, you’ll need to be in a party. When you teleport to the Altar that will take you to Metrom’s Vessel, ensure that you are in a party, otherwise, it won’t work. You will also need the Void Key, which you can equip and click on when speaking to Lorik, the only NPC at the Altar.

When speaking with Lorik, all you have to do is choose all of the first responses. This includes:

  • What is this altar?
  • Sure.
Lorik in Arcane Lineage
This is the guy you’ll need to talk to.

Once you’ve done all of that, you’ll be transported to the boss area, called the Temporal Jailhouse. Keep in mind that the very first thing you should do is manage the party and check the turn order. Going through the portal will mess with the party settings, so it’s a good idea to make the necessary preparations before you continue.

The Optimal Party Setup

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to talk about the optimal party setup for taking Metrom’s Vessel down. This used to be much easier before, but we already knew that the devs were always planning to make the game harder. The hardcore experience was pretty much their goal from the beginning.

The Party in Arcane Lineage
Make sure to gear up!

As such, I’m going to make it easier for you by adding a team composition you can follow:

Composition 1

  • Berserker x1 > DoT Assassin x2 > Saint x1 > Paladin x1

Composition 2

  • Berserker x2 > DoT Assassin x1 > Saint x1 > Paladin x1

This is typically the safest party comps when it comes to taking down this boss. Some players are naturally annoyed that out of the 10 DPS classes featured in the game, only the Berserker (and sometimes, the Elementalist) have an easy time with this boss.

Also, without a Saint and Paladin the fight will quickly devolve into an unmanageable mess. This is pretty much what happens when players keep asking for a hardcore experience: they get it. I’ll talk more about why the classes are so important later on, but let’s move on over to the star of the show, shall we?

Understanding Metrom’s Vessel

First off, let’s have a look at his HP:

Health – 10,000

Corrupted Health – 18,750

Once you’ve dealt about half of his health in damage, Metrom’s Vessel will shift to Phase 2. As I stated earlier, preparation is pretty much how you’re going to beat this guy. That being said, let’s learn all about his Mechanics and Moveset!

The Boss Mechanics

Phase 1

During Phase 1 of the fight, you’ll notice that Metrom’s Vessel has some strange wings sprouting from his back (a pretty cool effect actually). These black wings provide him with a pretty hefty buff: Damage Reduction.

The only way to remove the wings of Metrom’s Vessel is by applying various status effects. If you do not do this, then the boss will be practically invincible, and you won’t be able to touch him.

Phase 1 Metrom's Vessel in Arcan Lineage
He might be relaxing, but you can’t.

That said, a word of caution to this particular strategy: if you aren’t careful and you break apart each wing as quickly as possible, then prepare for increase damage overall. With every wing destroyed, Metrom’s Vessel does more damage. You see what I mean about this boss being much harder with the recent update?

Phase 1 Moveset

  • Rendering SlashMetrom’s Vessel will charge forward one target and deal damage by slashing with this greatsword. This move applies the Weakened debuff.
  • Blackout – The boss will attack with both greatswords at once, hitting a random target. This move will randomly lock one ability.
  • Deathbound – One of Metrom’s Vessel’s more potent attacks, the boss will deal damage to two players, dealing a significant amount of damage. This also applies the Sundered debuff. Stay sharp, as you’ll need to dodge this one.
  • Eclipse – This is a simple buff.
  • Invoke ShadebladesMetrom’s Vessel summons Shadeblades, which are like doppelgangers of his greatswords. These are separate opponents you’ll need to fight.
  • Hexed Rend – Yet another devastating attack, the boss deals extreme damage to the entire party, all the while debuffing them with various effects. Be careful.
  • Oblivion – You can consider this the Ultimate Move of the boss. Metrom’s Vessel will slash in the air, and before you know it, the whole party has lost 50% of their health.

Phase 2

Be prepared for a pretty crazy time during Phase 2. Metrom’s Vessel will fall to the ground before screaming at the party. The boss area will start to crumble, and the real fight begins. This time around, his wings will play a different role in the fight.

Phase 2 Metrom's Vessel in Arcane Lineage
Uh oh.

Instead of simply adding DR, the wings now have two modes: Offensive and Defensive. The former has a damage buff, as well as increasing the damage of Metrom’s Shadeblades with each turn that passes while in Offensive mode. As for the Defensive mode, it gives Metrom’s Vessel extra DR, as well as reflecting a portion of the damage back to the player.

Keep in mind that should a player fail to dodge his attacks, you’ll fight Mini Shadebringers. This is yet another reason why everyone should be prepared to fight. After all, just because this game is turn-based doesn’t mean that your reflexes don’t matter. You’ll still need to deal with the little quick-time events to dodge, block, or deal certain attacks.

Phase 2 Moveset

  • Rendering SlashMetrom’s Vessel will charge forward one target and deal damage by slashing with this greatsword. This move applies the Weakened debuff.
  • Eclipse – This is a simple buff.
  • Unyielding Fury – This is a party-wide debuff, applying Blinded and Hexed.
  • Hexed Rend – Yet another devastating attack, the boss deals extreme damage to only a single party member this time, all the while debuffing them with various effects. Still deadly.
  • Blackout – The boss will attack with both greatswords at once, hitting all party members. This move will randomly lock one ability.
  • Shadebringer – These enemies will now attack the whole party, and applies Cursed.
  • Mini Shadebringer – These smaller versions of the Shadebringer are what you have to deal with each time Metrom’s Vessel strikes a player. This means that every opportunity you have to dodge, you should take.
  • Oblivion – You can consider this the Ultimate Move of the boss. Metrom’s Vessel will slash in the air, and before you know it, the whole party has lost 50% of their health.

SIDE NOTE: We have a comprehensive endgame guide for Arcane Lineage for those of you looking to dominate the game!

Understanding the Importance of the Classes

In this section, I’m going to give a quick rundown on the classes I mentioned above, and what they need to be doing to make Metrom’s Vessel as painless as possible. Well, painless within reason. For sure there will still be a lot of pain.

Berserker in Arcane Lineage

The Role of the Berserker

You’ll notice that the Berserker is a part of both party compositions above. That’s because this class is one of the only (if not the only) DPS class in the game capable of going toe-to-to with Metrom’s Vessel. That said, the Berserker will still need the help of the whole party to get the job done.

As the Berserker, the primary role is to take down Shadeblades. These Shadeblades can curse party members and cause all sorts of trouble if left unchecked. At the same time, the Berserker can also use Meditate to deal more damage, as well as some debuff skills to remove wings during Phase 1.

Obviously, once you’ve dealt with the other enemies, make sure to unleash all your most hard-hitting skills against Metrom’s Vessel. Typically, you’ll want to go last in the turn order because you are the one to hit hardest against the boss.

Assassin in Arcane Lineage

The Role of the DoT Assassin

The role of the DoT Assassin is to debuff Metrom’s Vessel as much as possible. However, you need to keep everyone’s HP in mind, especially since each removed wing will make the boss hit harder, at least in Phase 1. You can use Poison Fan to deal DoT Damage and remove wings.

If you happen to be using a Frost Assassin, your party members will love you, as you can stop Metrom’s Vessel from utilizing certain moves throughout the fight. You’ll slow the boss down, giving all your party members a chance to breathe.

You’ll want to go before the Berserker during the turn order so that you can deal as many debuffs as possible before it’s the Berserker’s turn.

The Saint in Arcane Lineage.

The Role of the Saint

One of the things you need to do as a Saint is to keep your energy up as much as possible. If you’re using a Saint, you’ve got a pretty simple job when tackling both phases — you wait until Metrom’s Vessel uses Oblivion, and then you heal the entire party.

Other than that, you don’t need to do too much. As the healer, the point is to keep track of your party’s HP. Another thing to remember is that not all parties are planned out in Arcane Lineage. Sometimes, you might have to end up playing with randoms. If you do, be even more vigilant, because they might go for reckless plays.

As the Saint, you’ll want to go first, just in case everyone took damage during a previous turn. You can figure out the best ways to heal by simply observing.

Paladin in Arcane Lineage

The Role of the Paladin

As a Paladin, your role is to spam the skill known as Pure Resonation, which is used to empower your allies. If the DoT Assassin is all about debuffing the opponent, then you are all about buffing your party members.

Of course, it would be a waste to use the move while the buffs are still active, so the next skill to consider is Holy Crash, which is a skill that deals AoE damage to Metrom’s Vessel. After all, it’s not just the boss you have to worry about, but the Shadebringers as well.

Of course, if the Berserker is doing their job, you won’t have to worry about that for long. When you’re not using either skill, you should be focused on blocking all attacks. Get used to all those quick time events, because you’ll need to keep yourself alive so you can buff your party!

I know this is a lot to take in, but the game just has so much to offer. If you’re confused and need more information, consider having a look at the Official Trello Site of Arcane Lineage!


Like any good boss, taking down Metrom’s Vessel will give you plenty of extremely rare drops. Keep in mind, however, that the weapons are dice rolls, which means you might need to fight this guy multiple times to get the weapon you want.

  • Metrom’s Grasp (A scroll)
  • Darkblood Staff (A weapon)
  • Darkblood Dagger (A weapon)
  • Darkblood Spear (A weapon)
  • Darkblood Hexer (A weapon)
  • Darkblood Sword (A weapon)
  • Darkblood Cesturs (A weapon)
  • Chaos Orb (An artifact)
  • Expedite Anklet (An artifact)
  • Echo Shard (An artifact)
  • Tempurus Gem (A weapon upgrade)
  • Arcanium Crystal (A weapon upgrade)

We have a quick and easy Guide on Shards if you need it!

Final Thoughts & Miscellaneous Tips

Hopefully, this information helps you take down Metrom’s Vessel as soon as possible. This becomes pretty problematic when you start battling the boss with randoms, because they can make it surprisingly difficult.

For example, if they fail to dodge attacks on Phase 2, not only will they take damage, but it spawns the Mini Shadebringers. If your party is also constantly trying to remove the wings, then Metrom’s Vessel will hit really hard.

Perhaps the most important piece of advice I can give for you guys is to communicate, communicate, communicate. Also, make sure that you have a Full Blessed Set before taking this guy on. Gear is extremely important in Arcane Lineage, and you’ll need to be as overpowered as you can possibly be. To help get you on the right track, here’s a guide on gathering gold quick!

As a Saint, you should be asking the party if they want to be healed before or after Oblivion. Even then, you should make snap decisions if your party isn’t responding. As a Berserker, you should always be on the hunt for Shadebringers.

Metrom's Vessel Phase 2 in Arcane Lineage
You guys can do it!

You want to know the scary thing about this whole guide? This New Metroms Vessel Guide is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the game as a whole. It’s such a huge experience that I really can’t recommend it enough. Keep in mind that the devs will also likely make even crazier updates in the future!

Oh also, quick question: Are you annoyed all those Traveling Merchants within the game? Here’s an easy way to find them all!


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