Looking for that perfect item for vanity or gear reasons in video games can be a pain, but it’s a pain we must endure to look good! We’ll go through grinding sessions upon grinding session just so we can get that best in slot gear or for those cool vanity items to show off. It happens in single player games and even in multiplayer games like MMOs. Arcane Odyssey is a multiplayer game in Roblox and it has a lot of different items you can get. In this guide we’ll show you how to get Shanks Coat in Arcane Odyssey!
How To Obtain The Shanks Coat In Arcane Odyssey
There’s a lot of different items from gear to weapons that you can get in Arcane Odyssey and some of them are a bit harder to find than others. That’s because some items have a low chance of spawning so you’ll need to grind for it and that can take a while to do so. One of the items you can get in the game is Shanks Coat and there’s a lot of grinding to do to get this item!

To get this Coat or Jacket you need to sink Pirate Ships and kill their captains. You can do so in normal pirate ships or the more difficult fortified ones, the drop rate is very low though. You might need to sink a lot of pirate ships and kill a lot of captains to get this cloak, but in the game it’s called “Large Black Jacket.”
The item itself isn’t really that strong so we highly suggest you use it as a vanity item by placing it in a vanity slot.
Congratulations you now know how to obtain the Shanks Coat in Arcane Odyssey. You’ll need to grind for this item if you want it so better start as soon as possible!
ALSO READ: Arcane Odyssey: Beginner’s Guide