Atomfall: Signal Redirector Location

Get access to this vital tool that you need for The Interchange!

Abdullah Riaz
8 Min Read

In Atomfall, you’ll want to get your hands on every useful device you can to aid you in your survival journey. Some items are also linked with certain outcomes or objectives in quests. You’ll want to get your hands on them if you want to progress. One such useful item is the Signal Redirector. Can’t figure out how to get it? Not to worry, we have you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you multiple ways of getting the signal redirector. Without further delay, let’s dive in!

Signal Redirector Location

There are two locations we know of that you can get the signal redirector. You can opt for whichever one of these methods suits you, or seems the quickest to you.

The signal redirector is a vital tool that can be used to divert power. You can use this skill for different outcomes, such as freeing Dr. Garrow from the Prison.

Method #1 – Access Skethermoor Prison

The first location where you can find the Signal Redirector is the Skethermoor Prison. However, to get here, you’ll actually need to get access through a series of steps.

For the first step, you’ll need to report something suspicious to Captain Grant Sims. But to do this, you’ll actually need to uncover something suspicious. Here are some ways to do that in Atomfall:

  • Discover the murderer at St. Katherine’s Church
  • Uncover what’s happening at The Bakery
  • Report Trader Morris.

You can go for whichever one seems convenient for you. It is also possible that you’ve already done one of these, in which case you can go directly to him.

Murder in church in Atomfall.

Once you find something suspicious, it’s time to go to Captain Grant Sims. You can find him at the Village Hall in Wyndham Village.

Village hall on map in Atomfall.

Enter the hall and interact with him. Select the ‘I have something to report’ option and choose what you want to report. Go through the dialogue options and Captain Grant Sims will now allow you to access Skethermoor Prison.

Reporting to Captain Grant Sims in Atomfall.

Next, make your way to Skethermoor Prison. On the Skethermoor map, it has the following coordinates: 41.1 E, 70.8 N.

Skethermoor prison in Atomfall.

Inside Skethermoor Prison, go down the stairs. Turn right from here and you should see a small control room. Push the button to open the door and grab the Security Keycard so you can access locked doors in the Prison.

Security Keycard in Atomfall.

From here, navigate to the Lower Floors and go to the Loading Bay.

Once you enter the Loading Bay, go to the Security room. It can be found on the left side, after you enter the Loading Bay.

Security room in Atomfall.

Go to the back of the Security Room and you should find the Signal Redirector on one of the shelves

You can pick it up and even use it to free Dr. Garrow, who is trapped in the middle of the Loading Bay. Of course, this is completely optional. Keep in mind that doing this will cause the guards in the Prison to become aggressive against you.

Signal redirector in Atomfall.

Method #2 – Open Windfall Crate

Another location where you can find the Signal Redirector is by opening the Windfall crate. However, there are many steps you need to follow to open this crate. You can also refer to our detailed windfall keycard location guide too!

First up, you’ll need to get the Windfall keycard.

To get the Windfall keycard in Atomfall, you will need to go to the following location shown on the map. The coordinates on the Skethermoor map are: 38.0 E, 77.4 N.

These coordinates will lead you to the entrance of the Protocol Workshop.

Protocol workshop location in Atomfall.

To enter inside, you will need to open the bunker door that can be found at this location. Be prepared, as there are enemies inside that you’ll need to face.

Protocol Workshop entrance in Atomfall.

When you enter inside, go towards the right and you’ll come across the B.A.R.D. Safe Room door. However, this will be locked and will require you to find the B.A.R.D. Safe Room Key.

B.A.R.D. card reader in Atomfall.

To get this key, go to the hallway near the door and look at the walls. You should be able to spot a vent here. Enter the vent and you’ll find yourself in a cramped hall.

Vent in Atomfall.

Go ahead and squeeze through the pipes you can see nearby.

Pipes in Atomfall.

After you do so, look to the left. You should see a small lit up table in the corner. The B.A.R.D. Safe Room Key will be on the table, ready for you to pick up. Once you have it, return to the Safe Room Door and open it.

BARD safe key in Atomfall.

Once the door is open, go towards the left. You should see another vent that you can climb inside.

Vent inside safe in Atomfall.

After climbing inside, look at the ground and you should see a body that says Windfall. Search the body and you’ll find the Windfall Keycard on it, alongside a note. Loot the body and you’ll have the keycard!

Now, let’s see where you’re supposed to use the keycard.

Windfall keycard in Atomfall.

Next, you’ll want to head to the location shown below in Skethermoor. The coordinates are: 41.6 E, 75.0 N.

This will take you to the location of the Protocol Field Station, where the Windfall crate is.

Protocol Field Station location in Atomfall.

Once you arrive here, you should find a bunker door guarded by an enemy. You’ll need to deal with him, or just run past them and quickly get inside.

Inside the Protocol Field Station, you’ll also come across enemies. So, be prepared for a fight.

Protocol Field Station entrance in Atomfall.

After you enter, start by going straight all the way ahead until the path branches to the left and right. From here, go to the left. Going down the hallway, enter the first room you see on the left, which leads to a supply room.

Supply room in Atomfall.

At the back of the room, you should be able to find the Windfall crate. Use the keycard on it and you’ll be able to open it. The Windfall crate will have the following loot:

  • Signal Redirector
  • Training Stimulant
  • First Aid Kit.
Windfall crate in Atomfall.

That’s everything you need to know about obtaining the Signal Redirector in Atomfall. Now, you know of multiple ways to get it, and you can go with whichever one you prefer. If you do plan on saving Dr. Garrow, we recommend the first method. This is because she will be quite close by allowing you to save time on backtracking.

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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