A Universal Time has just released update 3.5, which includes a whole lot of new stuff and fixes, as well as some balance changes. Among the latest additions is the Suna Suna no Mi devil fruit, which grants the user sand-based abilities. In this guide, we will be showing you how to get this new style and give you a brief overview of what it can do.
How to Get New Suna Suna no Mi Complete Guide
There are actually multiple ways to get the new Suna fruit. We will try to go through them so that you can decide for yourself as to which method appeals to you the most. Just know that one of them requires significantly more luck than the other.
Method #1. Crafting It Yourself
The most straightforward way to get it is by simply crafting it. This will require you to have three Suna Shards and a Golden Hook. By now, I’m sure you are well aware that shards are acquired through gacha rolls, but what about the Golden Hook?
Well, you will have to kill the new Crocodile boss found in the desert area. The only thing to note about this fight is that you have to destroy the water towers around him in order to make the fight possible.
We are warning you now, the Golden Hook has a very low drop rate. On top of having to roll for the extremely rare shards, you are likely going to be beating this boss up for hours on end. If you aren’t feeling particularly lucky, skip to method #2 instead.
If you are going for this method and need some more gacha pulls, check out our guide on how to get all of the currency types in AUT. This will help you plan out your grind a little better.

Method #2. Completing the Quest
In the desert zone, go through the archway that has a “Danger” sign on it. In this area, you will have to find and dig through sand debris in order to find an item called “Baroque Works Contractor Den Den”
Take note that there is a sandstorm in this area, and you will take damage over time as you search for the required item. You may need to make multiple trips in case you get very unlucky.
With the item on hand, all you need to do now is use it in order to start the first part of the quest. More details on this step in the following section.

Quest Step #1. Baroque Work’s Purge Business
For your very first objective, all you have to do is defeat certain enemies that can be found all around the map. More specifically, you will need to kill the following mobs and bosses in any order:
- 12x Hooligans
- 24x Stand Users
- 1x Diavolo
- 36x Jujutsu Sorcerers
- 1x Dio
Upon defeating all of the necessary enemies, you will get a notification that you have completed the Baroque Work’s Purge Business quest. After that, use the Baroque Works Contractor Den Den item once more.
Quest Step #2. Dealing With the Traitor
The second part of the quest is much easier, as it will essentially teleport you into a new area where a cutscene will play out. After that, you will have to chase the traitor through a linear corridor.
At the end, you will have a one on one fight with the NPC you just chased down, and you have a 10 minute time limit to win the fight. It is a fairly easy encounter, and you likely won’t have any issues here unless you completely throw the fight.
After the fight, you will be teleported back out and it should notify you that the interrogation was a success. From here, use the Baroque Works Contractor Den Den again to initiate the next part of the quest.

Quest Step #3 & 4. Consulting Sanji
Next up, you will be tasked with defeating Sanji. At the boss summoning area, you will need to summon him by sacrificing a Sanji’s Cookbook and 300,000 UCoins.
The Sanji’s Cookbook item is a random drop from chests, so you will just have to keep grinding and hopefully get lucky. The drop rate for this item supposedly goes up the rarer the chest is, but again, this is completely random.
Upon defeating him in the boss spawning zone,you can find him again in the desert area.More specifically, he will be standing right beside the archway with the “Albasta” sign on it.
Sanji will give you one final quest, which is to defeat Crocodile. Yes, you are going to be fighting this boss just like in the previous method, however, you are guaranteed to get the Suna Fruit as a reward from this quest.
We recommend doing this instead, unless you have insane luck with both gacha rolls and Crocodile’s drops. Once you have completed the quest, the Suna Fruit will immediately appear in your inventory.

Suna Devil Fruit Abilities
The Suna Devil Fruit has a ton of abilities, so let’s quickly go through what each of them can do. Here are all of the moves and their corresponding controls:
- Desert Spada (Q Move) – A simple shockwave attack that has a long range but a short width. This can stun any enemies hit by it as well as knock them up into the air.
- Desert Pirouette (E Move) – The user turns into a tornado of sand that deals damage to anything caught in it, briefly stunning them as well.
- Desert Doppelganger (R Move) – The user creates a sand clone that executes a multiple strike attack on the target, which knocks them back at the end of the string.
- Hook Assault (T Move) – This move will latch onto the first target hit and pull them towards the user. The enemy is stunned during the pull and shortly after it as well.
- Sables (Y Move) – The user fires a tornado that rushes forward and knocks back any enemies hit by it.
- Desert Vento (H Move) – Similar to the Sables move, but the user blasts in a small cone in front of them rather than shooting a moving projectile.
- Desert Girasole (J Move) – The user conjures up a large pile of sand around them, dealing a ton of damage to anything caught within range.
- Desert Enciero (Z Move) – The user charges at the target and grabs them. After dealing damage for a few seconds, the target is then slammed into the ground, causing them to get briefly stunned.
- Sables: Pesado (V Move) – The user leaps backwards into the air and fires a projectile at the target location. After a brief moment, this projectile will explode, knocking back anything caught in it and dealing a decent amount of damage.
- Logia Instinct (B Move) – This is a counter ability that will parry an incoming attack and apply poison if it successfully counters an enemy’s move.
One last thing to note about this fighting style / devil fruit is that it also inflicts poison at the end of your basic attack string, so even your M1s can be fairly devastating.

And that is everything you need to know about the new Suna Suna no Mi devil fruit added in the latest update, including how to get it and what it does. While you’re here, check out our guide on the best traits and corresponding stands in A Universal Time to add further variety to your builds!