Christian Gallos

Christian has been deep in the gaming world for over a decade, transitioned from being a League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports player to creating video game content full-time. He's dabbled in all kinds of genres and platforms, building not just skills but a long list of games played along the way. These days, Christian is all about sharing that passion, making content that feels real, relatable, connected and most importantly, helpful to the gaming community!
726 Articles

Infinity Nikki – Where To Find Floof Yarn

Spoiler alert: It's not sheep you're after! Here's how to get this…

Christian Gallos

Infinity Nikki – How To Unlock Fishing & Catch Fish

Here's a guide that walks you through unlocking fishing and, of course,…

Christian Gallos

Infinity Nikki – Where To Find Pony Curls

Unfortunately, Pony Curls aren't just lying around waiting to be picked up.…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25 – Grapes & Olives Complete Guide

Ready to level up your farm with grapes and olives? Here's your…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25 – Cotton Complete Guide

Cotton is one of the most lucrative crops in the game. Here's…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25 – Rope Factory Guide

Here's a guide that covers the "ropes" of the Rope Factory, along…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: Paper Factory Guide

The Paper Mill is more than just another production facility, it can…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: How To Use Autofeed Cow Barn

Tired of mixing your TMR by hand? Here's how to keep your…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: How To Make TMR (Total Mixed Ration)

Here's how to whip up the perfect Total Mixed Ration!

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: Complete Silage Guide

Here's how you turn your grass or corn into high-quality animal feed!

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: Growing Grass & Hay Guide

From grasswork to haymaking, and everything in between. Here's how to turn…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: Complete Sawmill Guide

Here's how you turn your logs into cold, hard cash with the…

Christian Gallos

Farming Simulator 25: Complete Mineral Guide

Is it a game-changer for your cows, or just a pricey way…

Christian Gallos

10 Best Games on PC Game Pass 2024

Here are some must-play games on Game Pass in 2024 that you…

Christian Gallos