David Mickov

This bearded looking fellow on our left is David and he is a 26 year old passionate gamer. He has been an active member of the gaming community from a very young age, specifically from 2003 when he first played Warcraft 3 and discovered tachycardia from how enjoyable and relaxing it was. Gaming for him has been, and still is a way of life style. He loves delving deep into whatever it is he is playing, losing himself into countless of hours discovering everything there is that created that video game. He learns about the backstories, about the development, the creators, fan theories and boy oh boy he's open for discussions about what makes a game great and what doesn't. He can play everything from small Indie games , to big triple A titles. His theory about games is this : small details make big games. So that is why whatever it is that he is playing, he is the guy who discovers 99% of the maps with every little side quest or trophy to be found. That is why his favourite genre is RPG. Having the big explorable created world at your fingertips, where everything from a scary bloodsucking demon to a friendly talking goat can be found and interacted with, as well as immersing yourself into the roleplay game you are playing, is fascinating for him. He is a laid back type of gamer, after a rich history of getting his ass kicked in competitive games. He is very passionate about writing blogs and articles about games, as it is soothing and meditating for him.
2060 Articles

God Of War Ragnarok: Fruits of Industry Guide

There are a lot of hidden chests and treasures that you can…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Modvitnir’s Rig All Collectibles 100% Exploration

There are so many areas that you can explore through in the…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: The Watchtower All Collectibles | 100% Exploration

Collectibles are a very fun thing to do no matter what game…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Althjof’s Rig All Collectibles | 100% Exploration

Beating God of War Ragnarok through the main story is a very…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: All Mining Rigs | In Service of Asgard

There are some very big Mining Rigs and towers that you are…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Alberich Island All Collectibles | 100% Exploration

Alberich Island is one of the many cool maps that you can…

David Mickov

Where To Find DLC Pre Order Items In God Of War Ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok is finally here! All the waiting time has…

David Mickov

How To Break The Cracked Blue Floor In God Of War Ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok will give you the role of Kratos -…

David Mickov

How To Break The Green Shiny Shields In Nioavellir In God Of War Ragnarok

There are some points in the game where whatever you do you…

David Mickov

Where To Find The Key On The Island In God Of War Ragnarok

When you get to the map of where this quest is you…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Clear The Wretches From The Sinkhole Guide

In God of War, you will be entering a lot of dungeons…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: All Nidavellir Artifacts Locations

There are a ton of little collectibles that you can find in…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Jarnsmida Pitmines Nornir Chest Solution

While traveling the beautiful world of Ragnarok you will come by a…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: Aurvangar Wetlands Odin’s Raven Location

There are lots of collectibles that you can explore and find in…

David Mickov

God Of War Ragnarok: All Aurvangar Wetlands Nornir Chest Locations

There are a lot of little puzzles that you will need to…

David Mickov