Barotrauma is a side-scrolling Rpg where you control a submarine inside the unknown depths of the Alien world. You will flee or fight alien lifeforms, exploring new strange worlds while commanding your crew inside an amazing submarine that you can upgrade. It offers a Co-Op experience too.
Here I will make a list guide of the most important tips that I learned through playing the game. Let’s go over some of them.
Complete Beginner’s Guide – Barotrauma
One of the most important aspects of a barotrauma crew is medicine. For new players, the medical system can be complex, so I’ll give you a quick synopsis. Burns and bleeding can be treated with plastiseal or bandages.

Organ damage, gunshot wounds, laceration, and blunt force trauma can all be treated with opium-based treatment. Saline or normal Blood Packs are used to treat blood loss. Poisons and their antidotes can be used to treat them.
If someone is unconscious and needs CPR, give it to them right away. People usually make the mistake and think that CPR can only be done by doctors and security. If someone might be downed underwater, put on the diving mask, and go for him as soon as possible!

This is the order on how to treat them by importance:
- Paralysis or Poisons
- Husk infections
- Bleeding
- Oxygen
- Blood Loss
- Organ Damage
- Blunt damage or blunt force trauma
- Laceration
- Any other affliction
Role Responsibility
To play a certain role means you have certain responsibilities:
- Captain: Take command of the ship and issue commands to the crew
- Security: Keep the peace, defend against outside threats, and eliminate hostiles
- Medic: Rehydrate/Revive and keep the crew under control and alive
- Mechanic: Maintain the ship, perform mechanical repairs, and create new items
- Engineer: Control the reactor or keep the AI under control. Make repairs to the electrical
- Assistant: Assist others in their professions and master new skills more quickly

The Health System
Each and every class has a different amount of HP. This is a very punishing game. Even the smallest of mistakes can lead to your death and agony.
The vital indicators gauge in the bottom right will shrink as you receive more and more damage. You will be downed if this bar runs out, and you will be unable to speak or move. Your character will die prematurely at 5 HP.
You will slowly start to suffocate if you are downed (it’s basically your bleed-out timer.) If you’re about to go down, make sure to notify and let your crew know as soon as possible.
As you may expect, if this downed hp bar runs out, you’ll perish and have to wait for reinforcements. You can surrender when downed, but only if the redeploy shuttle is ready to leave or if you know the mission is completed.

Any damage that you take extra while downed, will make you die faster. Doctors are the angels in this situation. Whenever somebody is downed and you are a doctor class, you need to do something about it.
If you can’t give the required medical assistance, go ahead and just do CPR.
You can still suffocate even while having the vigor buff.

If you are a new player you might find some of the things overwhelming. Just try it out. Of course, you will die a couple of times, but this is how you’ll get better. Just whatever you do try to stay cautious and vary of enemies. There are a ton of monsters!. Every single thing can kill you and the whole game is very punishing about it. I hope this helped a bit. Good luck!
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