Barry’s Prison Run is a Roblox game that has you running out of a prison that is owned by none other than the main man, Barry himself. The game is very straightforward, and I mean that in the most literal way possible. There is only one way to get out of Barry’s prison and some people tend to overthink what to do in most situations. But what if there’s an added challenge? What if… you have a giant head? In this guide, I will show you how you can escape Barry’s prison while having the giant heads on the entire time.
How To Escape Giant Heads Guide
Escaping the prison with giants heads on is the same as escaping the prison with normal heads. There’s no change that really affects the game on a technical standpoint. The only thing that’s different here is that your vision will slightly be impaired and you might not see what’s in front of you correctly.
When starting, climb up the bed and move to the side to reach the vent.

When you exit the vent, go up the room and be careful of these platforms. They will be moving and disappear through the wall.

Once at the top, press a button the wall to activate the platforms. Jump on them to reach the other side and move through the vent.

You will be out in the courtyard where Barry will be patrolling. Head to the button and press it. Be careful not to get caught by Barry.

Climb up the stairs and climb up the pipes. Walk across them until you reach the vent that was opened by the button.

Once in the bathroom, open the second stall on the right and you will find a hole that will take you down deeper into the facility.

Land on the ground and jump on the spikes to continue moving forward.

You will reach a hallway that has a bunch of items floating in the lava. Jump on them to keep going forward.

The next obstacle will be a long hallways with boulders rolling down to squish you. Keep jumping to the side where there’s areas you can be safe from the boulders. Don’t take any chances and keep safe as you move forward.

Once past the hallway, you will climb up and find a medieval Barry roaming in this room. Go to the room on the left to activate the lift that will go down. Exit the room and immediately go left and climb up the spiral staircase. The lift will be up there when you arrive.

This next segment is a lot easier. But you will need the speed booster on the right. Once you have it, simply keep running and don’t stop. Jump from one platform to another.

You will eventually find your way to the visitors center. Keep following the arrows and you will find ladders that lead up to a vent in the ceiling. Jump on the ladder and open the vent to climb up the ladder.

Once out, you will find yourself in an area with large fans blowing you back and spikes on the ground. Keep jumping to get that little bit of speed boost to move faster. But be careful you don’t jump over the edge.

Past the spike area is another spike area. This time you have to jump on pipes to avoid falling down.

In this location, there will be 3 valves you need to turn in order to get rid of the steam blocking the way. They’re easy to get to as long as you’re careful.

Once you’re in the next area, be careful as you need to immediately jump when in the green areas. That’s because the wind behind you will be blowing you forward and if you’re not ready, you will fall down and die.

The next location is a giant fan below you, increasing the height of your jumps. Your goal is to land in this box that has the arrow on it. This will lead you to the next location.

In the cafeteria, you will have to fight Garry the Chef. There is a way to fight back, and it’s by using the weapon behind the counter. Grab it and just run around while shooting at Garry until he dies.

Once you deal with Garry, you will go down a slide that takes you to the next location. There, you will have to climb up a ladder to another area with a giant fan beneath you.

You will have to dodge the lasers as you ascend. Getting hit is an instakill and you will have to restart.

Finally, you will encounter the final boss. Which is Barry Boss. Use the gun you got in the Garry the Chef boss to take down Barry Boss. Once he’s dead, you can go to the car and beat the game.

That’s all you need to know on how to escape Barry’s Prison with giant heads on. Did this guide help you understand what you need to do in order to beat this game? Let us know in the comments below. If you’re playing Clover Retribution, then you should consider looking at our best traits tier list.