Another action-adventure hack and slash game is out there and it’s Bayonetta 3! Destroy your enemies in style in the new Bayonetta game as you follow the story of Bayonetta as she now fights a new unknown enemy that is neither demon nor angel. The game features the classic hack and slash gameplay that many fans are familiar with in the series along with new mechanics. The game also features a lot of different challenges you can do and some of them even reward you with collectibles. In this guide we’ll show you how to get the Chapter 8 Tricky Terrain Challenge.
Chapter 8 Tricky Terrain Challenge In Bayonetta 3
In Bayonetta 3 there are a lot of different challenges you can do in the game; these challenges are found all over the chapters and you can finish them for various rewards.
Some of the challenges even give you collectibles so it’s a great way to earn them as well as challenge yourself in your skill in the game. In chapter 8 there’s a certain challenge that has tricky terrain around it, and it’s a pretty easy challenge to do.

When you go into the arena of the challenge, a bunch of stationary targets will appear that will fire ranged attacks at you.
Since they’re stationary you can easily use the Wartrain Gouon summon to pile through all the enemies at once, defeating them easily. Once you do there should just be a couple of easy mobs left, just finish them off quickly and you can finish the challenge!
Congratulations you now know how to best do the challenge in Chapter 8 of Bayonetta 3! Now go out there and try it yourself! Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone how to do this challenge, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Bayonetta 3 Chapter 8 Tricky Terrain Challenge – YouTube