In Bee Swarm Simulator, the mid-game is when you’re starting to master the game but still have a long way to go. You’ll be working to improve your equipment, expand your hive, and obtain more bees. Read more below for our Ultimate Mid Game Guide in Bee Swarm Simulator.
Ultimate Mid Game Guide
You have reached the mid game if you have already reached level 35 Bee Area. If you’re looking on how to proceed with the game after reaching this point, then you’re in good hands. Here are key things that you should be doing in the mid game.
Diamond Eggs
These eggs have a chance to spawn Legendary and Mythics bees, however as much as it is tempting to use, don’t use them. Diamond eggs are a requirement for the Diamond Mask.
This mask has the ability to increase your pollen collection by 25%, increase your hive capacity to 10,000 and make the moons in the diamond room solid permanently.

Glue is both a consumable item and a crafting material. It may be used to make several different accessories, such as the Gummy Bee Cannon, Gummy Mask, and Gummy Boots.
Save up your glue for these powerful midgame items. Additionally, using glue for 10 minutes will increase pollen gathering by 25%.

Memory Match
In the Bee Swarm Simulator minigame Memory Matches, you must match up pairs of objects to earn rewards.
You will be given a grid of things to choose from in order to play a Memory Match. To empty the grid, you must match pairs of identical things. Only things that are next to one another, either horizontally or vertically, can be matched.

You’ll get rewarded each time you match a pair. The awards differ according to how challenging the Memory Match is. You can win honey, royal jelly, eggs, and other things. You can obtain even more valuable rewards, such as gummy masks, star treats and gifted bees, in the harder Memory Matches.
Do the Memory Matches everyday, this way when you reach the end game you would already have stacked alot of resources.
Wind Shrine
Players can give items to The Wind Shrine in exchange for rewards such Field Winds and honey. It is near the Pepper Patch, past the Windy Bee Gate.
There is a one-hour cooldown period between each donation to the Wind Shrine. Players must first give a spirit petal to the Shrine in order to obtain the Windy Bee from it. Players can also give cloud vials to the Shrine after giving a spirit petal there in order to get the bee.

If a Wild Windy Bee is active in one of the fields, the Wind Shrine would indicate so. The bee will be located somewhere on the map if the chimes are constantly shifting when no one has recently donated.
Donating things to the Shrine on a regular basis in the midgame will help you earn more Favor and get higher rewards.
Spirit Petals
Spirit Petal is a unique crafting material that can be used to obtain the Windy Bee or craft the Spirit Wand and Spirit Belt.
I recommend using the first Spirit Petal you get to craft the Spirit Wand as this powerful wand would allow you to collect more honey and finish quests faster. After crafting the wand, use your second Spirit Petal to obtain the Windy Bee and craft the Spirit Belt for last.

In the midgame it is important to defeat mobs as they spawn. You can also do Mother Bear Quests as you level up your bees. It is also important to note that you don’t need to farm for amulets in the midgame, as you can do this more efficiently in the late endgame.
In order to get the Gifted Basic Bee, don’t ever use your star treats. Instead, use sunflower seeds or tons of basic eggs. It may take you a bit of time, but it will be worth it.
When feeding your bees and leveling them up, you would want to use your basic treats. You’ll have to reserve and save up your Sunflower Seeds, Strawberries, Pineapples, Blueberries and the likes. The reason why is because you’ll need them for crafting later on in the Blender. And you’ll do a LOT of crafting, later in the game.
Remember to do your daily King Beetle and Tunnel Bears. The reason why is besides giving decent loot which stacks up if you do it every single day. More importantly, they give you at least 5 tickets a day and a couple of extracts will be very valuable to you later on.

And that’s all that you need to know in the Ultimate Mid Game Guide in Bee Swarm Simulator. If this has been helpful to you, we would love if you leave comments down below.
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