Best Tips & Tricks for R.E.P.O.

After countless hours of retrieving, extracting and profiting, I've compiled the best tips you should know!

Christian Gallos
9 Min Read

R.E.P.O. is an absolute blast, but it doesn’t really hold your hand. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your strategy, knowing the game’s hidden mechanics and pro-level tricks can make all the difference. After spending countless hours retrieving, extracting, profiting, looting, escaping, and experimenting, I’ve compiled the most useful tips based on my own gameplay experience, plus insights from the Steam community, YouTube guides, and in-depth discussions.

Best Tips & Tricks

Some of these tricks will help you navigate the map smarter, take down enemies more efficiently, and make more money, while others are just fun mechanics you might not have discovered yet. So let’s dive in and turn you into a top-tier R.E.P.O. agent!

1. Minimap Is Your Best Friend

Seriously, if you’re not using your mini-map constantly, you’re making your life harder.

  • It shows explored rooms, active extraction sites, and the fastest route back to the repo van.
  • Loot & shop items appear as blips once you or a teammate visually spot them—so always check before extracting.
  • Carrying a heavy item? Use the map to guide you while walking backward—trust me, it helps.
  • As for minimap markers:
    • Yellow icons = Loot (only after being seen by a player)
    • Blue icons = Shops & carts
    • Red icons = Player heads (important for reviving!)

Always check your minimap before extracting to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

Using minimap in REPO

2. Grab & Throw Enemies

This one’s hilarious and useful.

  • You can grab smaller enemies (like Bangers and Gnomes) and yeet them across the room—no strength upgrade needed!
  • Larger enemies? You’ll need a strength upgrade or a teammate’s help.
  • You can also push away Spewers to keep them from latching onto you.

3. The Secret to Finding Hidden Loot

Amazing loot is hidden everywhere—under furniture, inside furniture, and even way up high.

  • Turn yourself into an object, and have teammates place you in hard-to-reach spots.
  • Some areas have multiple levels you can only access through parkour or object stacking.
  • I’ve found multiple rare items this way—it’s worth doing!
High areas containing good loot in REPO

4. Tumble Launching = DIY Missile Attack

One of my favorite movement tricks.

  • Sprint, jump, and enter object mode to launch yourself forward like a projectile.
  • Not the most reliable attack, but if you’re low on resources, it’s a free way to deal damage.
  • Want to hit harder? Upgrade tumble launch in the shop for more impact.
  • Bonus: Stun enemies first, then launch yourself at them repeatedly—they won’t know what hit them.

5. Enemies Despawn If You Play It Smart

R.E.P.O.’s spawn system is… weird.

  • Some enemies despawn if you break line of sight and wait a few minutes.
  • If one’s blocking your path to the repo van, just hide and be patient—it might disappear.
  • But be warned: They DO respawn, so don’t get too comfortable.
  • IMPORANT: Enemies respawn only if their loot orb disappears, either from extraction or destruction.
Monsters in REPO

6. Healing Tricks & The Green Orb

Healing is super easy once you know how.

  • Each player has a green health bar on their back—interact with it to heal them in 10 HP increments, however, keep in mind that this takes away from your health as well.
  • After completing the final extraction site, the green orb in the repo van opens up.
    • This heals everyone for 25 HP when they step inside.
    • If your teammate is low, heal them BEFORE entering so you both get the max bonus.
  • Reviving teammates? Bring their heads back to the ship at the end of a run, and the green orb will bring them back with 25 HP.
Healing in REPO

7. Listen for Extraction Points

At higher levels, extraction points are harder to find.

  • Every few seconds, they make a ping sound—and yes, you can hear it through walls.
  • Save yourself the headache—follow the sound instead of aimlessly wandering.
  • Extraction Points: These are usually located in the corners of the map, so keep an eye on your minimap to predict their locations and plan your route efficiently.

8. One-Time Purchases Are OP

Some of the best weapons and tools are one-time purchases, meaning once you buy them, you keep them forever.

  • The frying pan, shotgun, and drones will always respawn in the repo van after a level, even if you die or don’t bring them back.
  • Pro tip: Buy them early because shop prices increase over time.
  • These items recharge using energy crystals, and you always get one free crystal after Level 1—so they’re 100% worth it.
Best items to buy in REPO

9. Cauldron Blast = Free High Ground

If you’re playing on Swift Room Academy, you’ll see rooms with cauldrons and multiple levels.

  • Jump inside a cauldron, and it’ll blast you upwards—perfect for reaching high platforms.
  • To control your jump:
    • Stand at the back of the cauldron to launch yourself in a specific direction.
    • Crouch to reduce launch height & distance.
Cauldron trick in REPO

10. Enemies Drop Free Cash

Killing enemies isn’t just for survival—it’s a solid money-making strategy.

  • Every enemy drops an orb worth $2,000 to $7,000.
  • If you’re short on cash and can’t find loot, take down enemies for extra funds.
  • No weapons? Use tumble launching or environmental hazards to take them out.
  • Be careful, though—enemy loot orbs are super fragile!
  • Tranquilizer Gun Trick: With enough Strength or Feather upgrades, you can pick up enemies and slam them into walls for extra damage—use this to your advantage in combat.
Orbs dropped by monsters for money in REPO

11. Hit & Throw Like a Pro

The push/pull mechanic is way more useful than it looks.

  • Scroll your mouse wheel forward/backward to push and pull items.
  • Push quickly and release to throw an item—a great way to damage enemies from a safe distance.

12. Secret Room & How To Access It

There’s a hidden room in the shop that contains powerful loot. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Visit the store for the second time in a run (this is when you can damage objects).
  2. Throw grenades at the ceiling tiles until one falls out. (In multiplayer, you can see this room while spectating.)
  3. Use upgrades, drones, or the prop glitch to reach the hole in the ceiling.
  4. Inside, you’ll find Duct Tape Grenade & Human Grenade.

Tip: The breakable tiles are above the med-kits in the shop. Once you know the spot, you can simply pull the tile off without using grenades.

Additional Tips

  • Recharge Drone vs. Energy Crystals: The Recharge Drone comes fully charged and costs less than crystals. If you need energy, get the drone!
  • Spewer as a Weapon: The Spewer can kill enemies but may also destroy loot orbs—use it wisely.
  • The Duck Trick: You can’t push the duck into bottomless pits, but you can push it into acid or lava.
  • High-Res Gameplay: Turn off pixelation & post-processing in graphics settings for a clean, high-res image.


R.E.P.O. is packed with hidden mechanics, and mastering them will make your runs smoother, your loot hauls bigger, and your escapes cleaner. These tips are tested from hours of gameplay and community insights, so put them to good use! If it helps (well, you’re gonna need all the help you can get), I have a guide that covers all the monsters in R.E.P.O. and how to beat (or escape) them, make sure to check it out! Got any secret strategies of your own? Share them in the comments, I’d love to hear how you tackle the game! Good luck out there, R.E.P.O. agent!

Christian has been deep in the gaming world for over a decade, transitioned from being a League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports player to creating video game content full-time. He's dabbled in all kinds of genres and platforms, building not just skills but a long list of games played along the way. These days, Christian is all about sharing that passion, making content that feels real, relatable, connected and most importantly, helpful to the gaming community!
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