Blasphemous 2 offers you a large amount of content for you to full discover. If you are someone who is looking to unlock every single achievement and uncover every single myth in the game, then you’ll definitely want to get the Hide and Seek Trophy.
The Hide and Seek Trophy is one of the achievements you can obtain in the game. In order to have this, you’ll need to find the 9 Sister Locations. These characters are well hidden behind walls so it can be a challenge for you to find all of them. In this guide, we will show you all Sister Locations.
All Sister Locations | Hide And Seek Trophy Guide
Before you proceed with the locations guide. Take note that in order to find some of the sisters, you will certain abilities obtained later in the game (all story related). You may not be able to get to them on your first visit.
Sister #1
The first Sister is in Grilles of Ruins. She is behind a secret wall at the upper part area of the map. In the image down below, you will be able to see the exact location.

Once you have arrived at the location, move towards the left side of your screen. You will then see a wall that’s hiding the Sister. Next, what you want to do is to attack the wall to break it. Inside, you will be able to find the NPC.

Sister #2
The second Sister you need to find is to the right side of the center of the map. Scroll up a little bit and you will be able to find an area called Choir of Thorns. In the image down below, you will be able to see the exact location.

Once you have arrived at the area, move to the right of your screen and find a mirror. As you do this, pay attention to your surroundings and avoid any traps. Then, reach the mirror and it will launch you towards the platform with the second Sister.

Sister #3
You can also find the third Sister in Choir of Thorns, this time in a different location. To the right side of the region, you will be able to find the next sister. The exact location has been marked for you in the map down below.

When you have arrived at the correct room, head towards the left side of your screen. There will be a chain which you need to use your dash to go through. Then, you’ll be able to see a wall to the left, break it and you will be able to find the third Sister.

Sister #4
You can find the Fourth Sister in Palace of the Embroideries. This is an area located to the right of the map. Keep scrolling to the end of the map and you will be able to find the region. The exact location has also been marked for you in the map down below.

Once you have arrived at the area, head towards the right side and up the stairs. Then, break the wall you see in front of you.
After that, an enemy will spawn which you need to quickly react and jump behind him to deal damage. Once you defeat him, the platform below you will also disappear, and you will be able to find the sister.

Sister #5
The next Sister you need to find is in the Mother of Mothers area to the South of the mini map. The exact location has been marked for you in the image down below. There, you will be able to see two light torches. Next, break the one to the right and you will be able to find the fifth Sister.

Sister #6
Keep scrolling Northwest from the center of the map and you will be able to find Sacred Entombments. In this area, you will be able to find the sixth Sister. The exact location has been marked for you in the image down below.

Then, head to the left side of your map and go upwards. As you climb your way to the top, you will be able to see a small cave you can get into. You can go even deeper by breaking the wall in front of you and the sister will be revealed.

Sister #7
The seventh sister is also in Sacred Entombments. However, this time, you will want to head towards the Southeast area of the region near the border to Aqueduct of the Costales. The exact location has been marked in the map down below.

Once you get to the area, keep moving towards your right so you’re able to move on to the next scene. Then, you’ll be able to see some stairs that lead you downwards.
Keep following along the path and you will be able to see a small pit you can jump into. To the left, you will be able to see a wall which you can break to find the 7th Sister.

Sister #8
To the middle West of the center of the mini map, you will be able to find the Repose of the Silent One region. In the image down below, you will be able to see the exact location.

Once you get to the area, climb up the stone stairs that leads upwards and you will be able to see a stone wall to your right. In order to find the Sister, you will need to break the wall to reveal the 8th sister.

Sister #9
To get to the Final Sister, you will have to give the 3 Forgotten Tributes to the Chariot found in Choir of Thorns Northeast to the Center of the mini map.
The Chariot will then stay wherever it leaves you. After giving it the third Forgotten Tribute, it will take you to the area with the sister. In the image down below, you will be able to see the Chariot NPC’s location.

Then, you will teleport to a whole new different area. Once you arrive at the end, you will be able to find the last sister. However, there are a lot of obstacles along the way, so it’s best for you to observe carefully and time your every single movement correctly.

In order to claim your rewards, you must return to the Sisters in the City and pay the tributes to get the following rewards:
- 2 Sisters – travel back to the City from any Shrine.
- 4 Sisters – recover Fervour at Shrines.
- 6 Sisters – travel between Shrines.
- 8 Sisters – Cobijada Mayor Figure
That is how you can find all 9 Sisters to get the Hide and Seek Trophy in Blasphemous 2. As you play, there are many other achievements for you to collect. Some of them give you a cool achievement and sometimes some unique powers. Keep trying your best and you’ll eventually obtain all of them!
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