Brookhaven RP is a Roblox experience all about socializing and roleplaying in a fantasy world with large houses, various vehicles, and an entire city that you can explore. There are a ton of secrets to discover in the game, including various safes hidden in the game’s many houses, and finding them will let you steal their money. Here’s the location for all of them!
All Safe Locations in New Update
There are a ton of houses and other types of residences in Brookhaven RP, and each of them have safes that are either hidden in plain sight or require some puzzles to be solved first.
We’ll try to quickly go through each one of them that exists in the current update of the game, starting with the estates. Don’t forget to refer to the pictures to find out which house variant it is exactly.
Also, since there are a lot of houses in the game, we might skip over some of the more basic ones that aren’t really hidden.
Estate #1

For this house, you have to go to the gym and start doing sit ups on the equipment beside the corner of the room. This will open a secret passage that will lead to the safe.

Estate #2

In this estate, the safe isn’t exactly hidden. Simply find the door with the “Employees Only” sign above it and you should be able to find the safe just sitting in the corner of the room.

Estate #3

In this estate, you will have to do a bit of platforming to get it, though the process itself is fairly straightforward. Basically, go to the kitchen and jump on top of the hanging platform.
From here, jump straight into the wooden part of the wall slightly above you, and you’ll phase through it. Inside, you will immediately fall down a hole and find the safe in this hidden room.

Estate #4

For this resort-like estate, you have to go inside the room with an indoor gym and enter the small walk-in closet. Click on the ceiling and a platform should descend.
Jump above this platform and you should find the safe in the hidden room just one more jump above from where you’re standing.

Estate #5

This one is a large hotel building, and the safe location here is hidden behind a specific set of steps that you probably wouldn’t have figured out on purpose.
First, head into the elevator and go up one floor, then immediately go back down. This will open a hole in one corner of the elevator that you can walk through, revealing the hidden safe.

Estate #6

This estate is a military base, and despite being incredibly large, the steps to get to the safe are actually quite simple.
Just go up the stairs of the main building and sit on the chair with a stack of papers in front of it. After a few seconds, you just need to step into the middle of the conference table and you will be teleported to the safe.

Estate #7

For this next mansion, all you have to do is make your way to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. Here, you will find the large walk-in closet.
Behind one of the shelves is a cursor icon. Simply click on this suspiciously placed icon and you will be teleported right in front of the safe.

Apartment #1

For this apartment, the safe isn’t really hidden. Simply go to the master bedroom and you’ll find the safe on the wall just beside the door.

Apartment #2

This one is only slightly more hidden than the previous one. Simply go to the bedroom and you’ll find the safe hiding in the closet behind a few hanging clothes.

Apartment #3

Similar to the first one, this apartment isn’t exactly hiding the safe. You can find it in the main hallway, just beside the window.

Apartment #4

For the skate/bike shop apartment, you have to go inside the main bedroom. Here, right beside the door, you will find a mirror leaning up against the wall. Simply walk through it and you will find the safe.

Apartment #5

For this one, go to the bathroom connected to the kitchen. In here, similar to the skate shop, just jump into the mirror in front of the sink and you should find yourself in a hidden room with the safe inside.

Apartment #6

For the luxurious apartment with an indoor fountain, the safe can be found in the corner of the library. Just click on the black wall at the end of the bookshelves and you will open up a path to the hidden safe.

Apartment #7

Added in one of the more recent updates, the Brookhaven Records one will require a bit of janky mechanics in order to get, as the correct method of doing it is currently unknown.
First, make your way into the room with a large black piano inside. Then, place down and use a bed right in the corner of the room. You should be able to enter the safe room by standing up after that.

House #1

For this house, simply make your way to the kitchen. The corner between the fridge and the sink is actually a non-solid wall that you can jump into, and the safe is hidden inside it.

House #2

The safe in this house is hidden behind another secret wall. Simply climb up the stairs to the second floor and jump on top of the plant in the corner. Walk toward the window and you’ll fall into a hole where the safe is hidden.

House #3

For this house, search for the lone plant sitting on top of a hallway table. By clicking on this plant, a hidden wall will open up behind you, revealing the safe right behind it.

House #4

The safe in this house is hidden in the bathroom. Simply click on the long mirror and a hidden wall right beside the bathtub will open, revealing this house’s safe.

House #5

For the post-apocalyptic themed house, you will have to sit in the toilet inside the outhouse. After doing that step, go to the tree right beside the outhouse and you should eventually fall into a hole, where the safe is hidden.

House #6

In this one, you must go to the indoor playground and search for the hidden hole underneath all of the obstacles. Refer to the highlighted location in the image below to find it.

House #7

For the underwater submarine house, simply make your way to the storage room in the bottom floor. Here, you will find a shelf full of crates to your left, you can actually walk behind it and you’ll eventually fall into a secret room where the safe is hidden.
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House #8

For the farmhouse, you will need to grab a shovel beside the water tank outside. With the shovel, start digging around under the water tank. You’ll eventually be teleported to the safe room if you hit the right spot.

House #9

The safe in this house is hidden above the main hallway. If you look up, you will notice that you can click on the ceiling, and this will reveal a platform leading to a secret room. Along with the safe, you will also find a mysterious glowing claw here.

House #10

For the car-themed house, you have to make your way to the master bedroom and click on the framed picture of a tire in the corner, beside the couch. This will reveal a hidden room right beside it where the safe is hidden.

House #11

For the house with the many plants inside it, you have to jump into the indoor pond and swim towards one of the corners, which will turn out to be a hidden entrance.
Keep running into the wall to your left and you will eventually fall into another secret corridor, and the safe will be hidden at the end of it.

House #12

For the bakery-themed house, you have to make your way to the living room. There, you have to jump on top of the blank frame hanging from the wall.
Once there, jump into the ceiling and you’ll find a secret attic. The safe will be hidden behind a bunch of boxes on the ground.

House #13

For the military base-themed house, you will have to go to the bottom floor, into a room which looks like a missile launching site.
Here, run into the corner highlighted in the image below, and you’ll find yourself in a secret room. Inside, you will have to run into another corner with a fake wall. The safe will be hidden here.

House #14

For this house, you will need to make your way to the pool area just past the garage door below. Inside, you have to click on the showerhead right beside the pool. This will reveal a secret room where the safe is hidden.

House #15

This one is relatively simple. Just go to the bathroom and step right into the shower area. Simply walk through the shower itself and you will find the safe hidden right behind it.

House #16

For this house, make your way to the bedroom on the second floor. Next, jump on top of the railing and try to get on the metal beams underneath the ceiling.
Once you’re on the beams under the ceiling, cross over to the other side of the house and you will find the safe hidden behind a stack of boxes.

House #17

For the castle-themed house, it’s also quite simple. Just go to the library and click on one of the candles in front of the bookshelves. Upon doing so, one of the bookshelves should open up and reveal the safe hidden behind it.

And those are almost all of the safes in the current update of Brookhaven RP, barring some of the other houses where it isn’t really hidden. Now get out there and start plundering homeowners’ safes!
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