Heroes: Online World is a game on Roblox that is all about unlocking all sorts of characters taken from popular superhero franchises. One of the latest updates added the Scarlet Witch Corrupted Prodigy skin for the MoM Wanda variant, which, as the name implies, is based on the Multiverse of Madness version of this iconic Marvel character. In this guide, we will be showing you how to unlock her!
Corrupted MoM Wanda Skin Location
Simply put, acquiring the Scarlet Witch Corrupted Prodigy skin requires you to find and collect four Wanda’s Crowns, which have various possible spawn locations all around the map.
Full disclosure, but this guide might miss a few spots, as we are unsure if these are all of the possible spawn locations of the crowns. However, you only need four of them, and they respawn every few minutes. Technically, you can camp a single spawn to get all four if you’re lucky.
Location #1 – Clock Tower
The first possible location is on the tip of the clock tower near one corner of the map. This is right in front of the large high school building, and you will need to fly up to get it, if it spawns there.

Location #2 – Behind the Avengers Tower
From the previous spot, if you fly back towards the city, you should be able to spot the Avengers Tower marked by its large glowing sign. Behind this building is a possible spawn location, right on top of the road.

Location #3 – Tunnel Beside the Avengers Tower
Very close to the previous spot is a tunnel that you can’t actually go through. However, there is a possible crown spawn here. If it is either here or in Location #2, you will easily spot one or the other as they are both within walking distance.

Location #4 – Empty Court Near Avengers Tower
Another possible location is the large empty court near the Avengers Tower, just below the hill that the skyscraper is standing on. You can’t possibly miss this one if it spawns here, as it will very visibly hover around in the middle.

Location #5 – Tunnel Near the Suburbs
Near the residential area, there is a tunnel that you can actually pass through, and a crown can spawn right on top of it. Again, you can’t miss this one as it stands out due to its red color.

Closing Tip
Again, the Wanda’s Crown items constantly respawn at the same locations. Because of this, one strategy you can do is to simply wait for it to come back after grabbing one.
Supposedly, the respawn timer for these crowns is around 15 to 20 minutes. If you set up a timer every time you successfully grab a crown, it should only take you around an hour to unlock the skin. Just watch out for hostile players, as random deathmatching is an issue that you will have to deal with.

And that is everything you need to know in order to unlock this brand new skin for a specific variant of Wanda. If you’re interested in more Roblox games where you morph into various other characters, check out our guide on how to find the White Marshmallow in Secret Staycation!