
Cube Defense: Complete Winter Trial Guide | Avalan’s Arena 2

How do you get past this challenging game mode?

Cube Defense is a tower defense game on Roblox with a wide range of game modes and difficult levels that you can try out for all sorts of rewards.

Every year, the game features an event known as the Winter Trials, which can be incredibly tough and has various mechanics that you have to consider whenever you try to take it on. This guide will try to help you succeed in the event!

Complete Winter Trial Guide | Avalan’s Arena 2

The event is only available for a limited time, but the rewards are absolutely worth it. Basically, you can get two special towers known as Dat Ice and the Frost Rail.

These two event towers are really good due to their crowd control capabilities, and you should definitely try to get them while they are available.

Cube Defense dat ice tower

Requirements For This Strategy

In order to take on the challenge on chaos difficulty, you will need a group of other players with you (solo is doable but much more difficult) as well as the following towers:

  • Campfire
  • Enhancer
  • Railgun
  • Rail Minigun
  • Orbital Satellite
  • Sun Temple
  • Sun Temple MK2
  • Star of Xovuso
  • Lord Xovuso
  • Void Rift

At least one person should also have the Blade Spinner tower equipped, as this will be incredibly useful during the first few waves of the level.

Cube Defense towers

Start of the Run (Waves 1-15)

First, the individual assigned to Blade Spinner duty should run off to the first lane where cubes will spawn, which will be marked by glowing lines on the floor.

They should then put down and upgrade their Blade Spinner a couple of times. After the first wave, one of the other players should give the Blade Spinner user their money to keep up with the defenses in other lanes.

Cube Defense blade spinner placement

In the meantime, the remaining players should be putting down Orbital Satellites, Enhancers, and Campfires in the middle of the map.

Once all lanes have a Blade Spinner on them, the person assigned to those towers should join the rest in placing down and upgrading Orbital Satellites in the middle.

On Wave 11, watch out for the three Juvenile Raizzyams that spawn. You can take them down faster with Lord Xovuso towers, though this isn’t necessary most of the time.

More of these enemies will spawn on Wave 15, in addition to a regular Raizzyam. You will most likely have enough DPS to deal with these if everybody has been upgrading their Orbital Satellites.

Cube Defense orbital satellites placement

Branching Out (Wave 16-24)

By Wave 16, each player should choose a lane and put down a Sun Temple MK2 close to the middle, right beside the bridge going to the center. Place and upgrade a Campfire beside it as well for some passive buffs.

Cube Defense sun temple mk2 placement

On Wave 20, Idimoni will appear, and the group will want to place down Lord Xovuso towers near its spawn on the outer island to take it out safely and quickly.

On Wave 22, apply the same strategy to take down the Raizzyams that spawn. Also, you can put down one Void Rift nearby and upgrade it up until the Call of the Void tier.

Cube Defense raizzyams spawned

As you are dealing with all these waves, continue adding and upgrading Sun Temples all around the outer circle of the center within range of your Sun Temple MK2.

Once Wave 24 starts, put down Lord Xovusos on the main island (basically just slightly ahead of your initial Sun Temple MK2) to take down the next Idimoni. There will be additional enemies that can stun towers during this wave.

Cube Defense idimoni spawn

Approaching The Endgame (Wave 25 And Onwards)

Incredibly tanky enemies will spawn on Waves 25 to 28. To deal with them, put down a Call of the Void and more Lord Xovusos beside the lane they spawn on.

Don’t forget to buff all of these defenses with an upgraded Enhancer and Campfire. Put down some Railguns as well for extra DPS.

On Wave 29, a tough enemy named Michael will spawn. Don’t forget to activate your towers abilities for this one, as you will need every bit of damage you can deal.

Cube Defense michael spawn

After this, place Star of Xuvoso towers in the outer island of your lane (where you placed your Sun Temple MK2) to soften up the mobs that will appear.

At the same time, place all of your other DPS towers in the lane where Gabriel spawns, as your group will need to take it down as fast as possible.

Cube Defense gabriel spawn

Finally, Lord Avalan will spawn. You can check which lane he will appear in by simply looking at where he is on the map.

To deal with this final boss, simply relocate all of your towers (except the Sun Temples, as cubes will continue to spawn) in the lane where he is. He should go down before he even reaches the end.

Cube Defense lord avalan

And that is pretty much it for Cube Defense’s Winter Trial. It is mainly one long DPS check that requires a bit of teamwork and coordination, but it shouldn’t be too difficult if your group pays attention to the map!


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