
Dandy’s World: Best Distractor Guide & How To Distract

Here’s how you become a professional Distractor in Dandy’s World and reach 100+ Floors with ease!

Dandy's World: Best Distractor Guide & How To Distract

In Dandy’s World, each role—Supporter, Extractor, and Distractor—plays a vital part in your team’s success. Among them, the Distractor is perhaps the most crucial, as they ensure that the antagonistic Twisteds are kept at bay while their teammates complete objectives and fix machines.

However, becoming an effective Distractor requires more than just running around; it involves strategy, patience, and a deep understanding of the game mechanics. This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of the Distractor role, providing you with the tips and tricks you need to master the critical position and help your team climb the floors of Dandy’s World with ease!

Best Distractor Guide & How To Distract

As you may know, there are 3 roles in Dandy’s World: Supporter, Extractor & Distractor. To explain the Distractor role, your main duty is to distract the Twisteds (just as the name implies). However, it’s not as simple as it sounds, and it’ll require you decent to good in-game knowledge and skills to play the role effectively.

Also, know that the Distractor is the most important role in the game, as players won’t be able to reach high-number floors and other roles will struggle without a Distractor (making it the most sought-off role in the game). It’s because they have the highest speed for running (without sprinting) in the game, and other non-Distractor Toons would eventually fall off and not be able to run away, the higher the floors get.

Dandy's World Distractor playing its role of getting aggro of Twisteds.

Understanding Twisteds & The Role of a Distractor

As mentioned above, your main role as a Distractor is to keep Twisteds away from the other Toons. In case you’re new to the game, Twisteds are basically the antagonists of the game that stop you from repairing machines. That said, you have to distract them, so your teammates can focus on completing objectives around the floors.

As soon as the elevator opens, it’s your time to shine—you want to look for and find all the Twisteds on the floor and keep them away from your team. With the help of an allied Vee, you can easily locate all the Twisteds! In order to keep them far from your teammates, all you have to do is taunt them and get their attention, then make them follow you until you buy enough time and space for your team to finish their tasks.

Also, don’t run around the entire map. Instead, focus on circling around a specific spot. This prevents your teammates from accidentally taking aggro from the twisteds. I’ve seen a lot of good distractors in my servers make this mistake, so stick to one area and keep your team safe! (I’ll talk about this more in-detail on the “Learn More About The Twisteds with the Highest Threat” section below).

Best Distractors in Dandy's World.

Learning the Distractor Role on a Deeper Level

One key trait many Distractors seem to lack is patience. As soon as the elevator doors open, they sprint for it—this isn’t ideal if you don’t want to appear selfish to your teammates or put them in danger.

Instead, stall the elevator until about 15 seconds remain on the timer, allowing your teammates to get in safely, or until they give you a signal. As a Distractor, you’ll have enough speed to reach the elevator within 15 seconds on most maps (with the exception of narrow, maze-like ones like the Gardenview map).

While the elevator is open, focus on holding off the Twisteds for as long as possible, so your teammates can make it to safety. This is especially crucial if you have slower toons like Vee or Rodger on your team. And if you absolutely must head for the elevator immediately, at least have the courtesy to assist any teammates in danger nearby—pull aggro for a few seconds or use your ability to help them out.

Importance of the Right Trinkets on the Distractor Role

Another important tip is choosing the right trinkets. I’ve seen some players use the Pink Bow for distracting, but that’s not ideal. The Pink Bow only boosts your running speed, which isn’t very useful when you’re mostly going to be walking in circles.

The best trinket combo for distractors is the Dog Plush and Running Shoes:

  • Running Shoes give you a 5% boost to both run and walk speed;
  • While the Dog Plush increases your walk speed by 10%. Together, these trinkets give you a 15% walk speed boost and a 5% run speed boost.

Running Shoes can easily be purchased from the shop. However, to get the Dog Plush, you’ll need 100% research on Toodles. If you need help completing the research requirement, here’s a guide on how to quickly accumulate research in Dandy’s World!

Pebbles might be an exception due to their 5-star run speed, where just the Dog Plush might suffice, but I still recommend playing it safe and using the Running Shoes as well. It makes a huge difference!

For any other distractor, the Dog Plush and Running Shoes combo is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Relying on stamina alone often won’t be enough to keep you alive while distracting—you need that walk speed boost to avoid an early death. So, remember: WALK!!

The distractor is getting chased by Twisted Pebbles in Dandy's World.

Learn More About The Twisteds with the Highest Threat & How To Distract Them

As you might know, the reason why Distractors like Goob or Pebbles work amazingly with their role, is because they have low stealth. It’s very important since having low stealth means you can easily get aggro from Twisteds. Meanwhile, Flutter and Tisha can also distract since they have good movement speed, but Flutter has high stealth and Tisha has low stamina, making them worse options.

Distracting Twisted Pebbles

As a high-threat Twisted, distracting Pebbles is actually pretty simple. All you have to do is find a long-island as shown in the image below and run around it. Just hug the island and make sure you cut the corners around the edge of it. And that way, you won’t even need to run, all you’ll have to do is walk, and you’ll still end up moving faster around the object than Twisted Pebbles.

Using long-islands or objects to distract Twisteds in Dandy's World.

Distracting Twisted Scraps & Goob

Up next, Twisted Scraps & Goob are some of the only Twisteds with a ranged attack, and that alone is a high-threat. In order to counter their attacks, all you have to do is make sure that you’re behind an object when they use their ability and their animation happens. So, just like what you do with Pebbles, you must find an island to walk around to distract them.

Distracting Scraps and Goob in Dandy's World.

Distracting Twisted Shelly

Basically, Twisted Shelly is the nerfed version of Twisted Pebbles—She’s faster than regular Twisteds but slower than Pebbles, with her speed being the same with Twited Toodles. If you’re using Pebbles, you won’t have any problem doing the standard run around an object strat.

But if you’re using Goob or other Distractors with 4-star speed or lower, you must take long pathing and always sprinting a short amount when turning—This way, you’re keeping distance while conserving stamina.

Distracting Shelly in Dandy's World.

Distracting Twisted Vee

With the recent update, Twisted Vee doesn’t only put up pop-up ads on your screen but also debuffs your Toon with a movement speed slow. After 5 seconds, you’ll get the debuff again and so on so forth.

That’s why the best strategy to distract Vee is to keep a good amount of distance by sprinting before it slows you, so you can walk when you’re slowed, and you can conserve your stamina. Similar to Shelly, it’s smart to take long pathing when distracting Vee.

Distracting Vee in Dandy's World.

Best Distraction Spots

Currently, there 11 different rooms in Dandy’s World. Some rooms are very open and offer plenty of spots (the long-islands) to distract Twisteds. However, a few rooms are very cramped and leave with almost no good spots to distract Twisteds. The best distracting spots are:

  • Any room with somewhere closed off, so your team doesn’t take the aggro from you.
  • A spot where there are little to no machines nearby.

For instance, in the restaurant room, there’s no real great distraction spots, so what you’d want to do is use a big space in the area to run around. However, that still won’t be enough without something we call coordination.

Best distraction spots in Dandy's World.

Using Coordination To Distract (Most Important)

The reason why most players end up dying on Floors 25+ is because they lack coordination. On higher floors, the combination of Twisted Pebbles + Goob/Scraps, or Twisted Pebbles + Vee is hella difficult to handle.

That’s why if you and your squad is setting up for a long run, your team must have at least 2 distractors —That way, one distractor can take care of one threat, and another distractor will aggro the other.

However, keep in mind that when there are 2 distractors, there’s also a need for two distracting spots. That’s why coordination is important, you and your team must communicate, so that you’re distracting on two different locations, you can rotate correctly and that you’re distracting on a place where your team just finished fixing a machine.

You Are Now a Pro Distractor!

There you have it! You’re now officially a Pro Distractor in Dandy’s World! Mastering the Distractor role in Dandy’s World is essential for you and your team’s success, especially on higher floors where the stakes are higher.

As a Distractor, you play a crucial part in keeping the Twisteds away from your teammates, allowing them to complete objectives without interference. By understanding the nuances of each Twisted and learning to utilize the right trinkets, distraction spots, and effective coordination with your team, you become a Pro Distractor!

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I get the time (I get busy too sometimes, you know?). Up next, why not check our guide on how to escape Twisted Glisten floor? Your distracting knowledge will come more in handy alongside this guide.


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