
Dark and Darker: How to Dodge the Ice Abyss Monsters Guide

With a new area being released, how do you deal with the enemies that can be found in it?

Dark and Darker just had its latest early access wipe around a week ago, and with it came a brand new location called the Ice Abyss. This means that players will be facing all sorts of new threats, aside from other people, of course. In this guide, we’ll try to give you a few tips on how to deal with the monsters that can be found in this cold abyss.

How to Dodge the Ice Abyss Monsters Guide

First up, there are several variants of frost skeletons that you are likely to encounter in this new zone. They have distinct attack patterns due to their varying weapons, so let’s go through each of them first.

Also, as the title implies, this guide is mainly for dodging enemies. There will be no parrying or blocking involved here, as our aim is to try and completely avoid any hits. Also, we’re skipping the frost skeleton swordsman and archer, as those are just variants of basic enemies that are very easy to avoid.

Enemy #1. Frost Skeleton Axeman

First up, one of the easier types to deal with is the frost skeleton axeman. Their attacks mainly involve charging at you and performing an overhead axe swing.

The best and easiest way to deal with these is by simply kiting them by running backwards and taking a shot at it after it whiffs its attack.

With lighter gear, you can also try to crouch and move to their side as they swing. This is much riskier and may not work if you’re too slow, but it is a viable option if you are in a particularly tight spot.

Dark and Darker frost skeleton axeman whiffing an attack

Enemy #2. Frost Skeleton Halberdier

The frost skeleton halberdier is another relatively simple enemy to deal with. As with the previous entry, you can easily kite these enemies by simply running back.

Another option is to strafe to the left or right when it goes for a stabbing attack. There is a way to dodge this by walking back and looking up, but this is unreliable and may end up getting you hit anyway.

If the skeleton opts for a low swing with its halberd, you can crouch jump to the left to avoid getting hit without having to keep your distance.

Dark and Darker frost skeleton halberdier whiffing an attack

Enemy #3. Frost Skeleton Guardsman

Just like the other skeletons, the guardsman is best dealt with by kiting it. The only thing of note is that they sometimes have a follow up attack after swinging, so try not to rush in after it whiffs.

Its more powerful variants also have an electrified shield, so watch out for that and try to avoid engaging them if possible just so you don’t have to play around it.

Enemy #4. Frost Skeleton Maceman

This one is very similar to the guardsman, but it has a more annoying sweeping attack as well as a shield (which has a different shape) that it will likely keep up most of the time.

Like the guardsman, your best bet will be to kite it by walking or jumping backwards in between hits. It can be hard to deal with in a tight corridor, so try to lure it into a more open spot.

Parrying is actually the easier and more straightforward approach for this one, though there is always the risk of getting hit if you have unfortunate timing. It’s probably best if you learn to kite it instead.

Dark and Darker player hitting a guardsman's shield

Enemy #5. Frost Imps

Frost Imps have a fairly straightforward ice orb attack that it charges up for a brief moment before they throw it. All you need to do for these is to simply sidestep the projectiles or use the environment to block it.

Do not get hit by these ice orbs, as they deal a ton of damage and can mess you up with further debuffs. In addition to that, they stay in the world for a bit if they miss, so pay attention to your surroundings to avoid stepping on them!

Dark and Darker frost imp charging up an orb

Enemy #6. Ice Giant Spider

Ice Giant Spiders are easy to deal with as they can be kited with little effort. The only thing to keep in mind is that they will occasionally spawn webs on the ground whenever they leap back and forth.

These webs will slow you down as you walk over them, which can mess up your ability to kite their attacks. Other than that, simply walking backwards will work wonders here.

There are also smaller variants of these spiders, which can be kited just like any other basic enemy. These have a chance to explode on death, though, so stay mobile while dealing with them.

Dark and Darker player getting attacked by a spider

Enemy #7. Ice Harpy

The ice harpies have a lunging attack that it will repeat three times. This can be avoided by simply sidestepping, and you should try your best not to get cornered at a ledge as getting hit will knock you back.

After three lunge attacks, an ice harpy will laugh and let out an area of effect attack that you can avoid by stopping, crouching, and looking down. If you do it correctly, you will avoid all damage from this move.

Dark and Darker player being attacked by a harpy

Enemy #8. Frozen Ghost

The frozen ghost fires projectiles that you can sidestep. Using the environment as cover will also work. The only thing to watch out for is the occasional pool of ice that it can spawn on the ground.

These pools will slow you down, making it harder to avoid projectiles and forcing you to try and parry them instead. Very simple enemy to deal with, as long as you take your time and pay attention to the ice on the ground.

Dark and Darker player encountering a frozen ghost

Enemy #9. Frost Demon

Despite its intimidating stature, the frost demon is actually hilariously easy to beat in a 1v1 situation. It fires multiple projectiles that you can avoid by simply ducking behind cover.

Luring it to a higher elevation and crouching under it will also prevent all damage, as the projectiles will simply fly over your head if positioned correctly.

Occasionally, it will bring its hands together and channel a different attack. Upon finishing this animation, a rain of icicles will appear, and this can be avoided by just staying mobile until it stops.

Dark and Darker player standing on a frost demon corpse

Enemy #10. Frost Sentinel

Frost sentinels are stationary enemies that appear to be giant skulls mounted on a wall. These will spawn a pentagram at your feet that will burst after a brief moment. All you have to do is keep walking to avoid getting hit by these attacks.

As you get close to it, it will let out an area of effect attack that you can dodge by simply walking away. Immediately after it does this, run up and take a shot at it to deal damage and bait out the next attack. If you have a ranged weapon, you can avoid this AoE move completely.

Enemy #11. Ice Hounds

Ice hounds are fast and relentless, but they can be kited by just running backwards. This will require you to be on the lighter end as having slow movement speed will end up in you getting hit.

If you aggro multiple of these enemies, there is a chance that they hit each other as you kite them. Simply remain mobile and lure them into an open area to avoid getting cornered.

Dark and Darker player dealing with ice hounds

NOTE: There are new extraction methods now that the developers have removed the circle mechanic. Check out our guide on how to extract and descend to familiarize yourself with the methods that you’ll find in this map too.

And those are all the tips we can give you when it comes to dodging the new enemies in the latest patch of the game. If you’re still new, check out our tips and tricks for beginners in Dark and Darker to get yourself ready for this brutal extraction game!


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