Dark And Darker is the newest extraction shooter out there and it doesn’t even have shooting in it, unless you count the fireballs. The game is a perfect mix between Escape from Tarkov and Dungeons and Dragons where you can pick a class ranging from rangers and barbarians, go alone or with a team into a dungeon, explore, kill and loot then try to go back. The game can be unforgiving at times and even the mobs like zombies and spiders can easily kill you if you’re not careful. That’s why in this article we’ll show you the best stuff you can get as a solo rogue in the game.
Solo Rogue Tier List For Dark And Darker
There’s a lot to learn in the different classes of Dark And Darker, and rogues are probably one of the best solo classes in the game. So for the people who don’t like playing with randoms or have no friends to play then this is the guide for you. Here is a tier list of the things you need to know about the Rogue.

Lockpicking is such a great skill to have in both solo and teams. The ability to unlock chests without any lockpicks just gives you more chances to get better loot.
Another S-tier skill is the Poisoned weapon, a weapon spell buff that deals 4 magic damage per second. The poison can stack 5 times, great for rogues that attack fast with their daggers.

In A-tier you have the Backstab perk and Daggers as weapons. The dagger is the number 1 rogue tool in your arsenal and can be great when paired with Poisoned Weapon perk since you can get a lot of quick hits to apply the poison. There’s also the Backstab perk which is perfect for both PVE and PVP, the former since it’s easy to get behind mobs and the latter for attacks from stealth or when attacking a fleeing enemy.

For the B-tier we have two weapons, the throwing knife is the first one. Not the best damaging weapon but one of the better ranged options for rorgues. A great weapon to have to get the first blows at range. There’s also the rapier which you can get instead of the dagger which is a bit slower but also gives you a lot of range.

For the C-tier we have Ambush and Stealth. Ambush is great when you have Hide since you’re guaranteed a good hit if you time it right. Stealth on the other hand helps you reposition while hiding, not the best skill there is but there are times where this can be useful.

Trap Detection is one of the perks that is very very situational. Not a lot of players utilize traps in the game so this can easily ignored for better perks. Same goes for Hidden Pocket, your potions won’t show on you but you already have a hide ability which makes this perk highly situational.

Finally, we have Pickpocket, which is not really that great. Why steal an enemy’s item if you can just kill them? Not to mention that this is difficult to pull off.
Congratulations you now know some of the great picks for being a solo Rogue in Dark and Daker, now go out there and try these yourself!
Many thanks to TheSpudHunter for showing everyone this, if you need more information on the subject then go check out their video here: Solo Rogue TIER LIST – Dark and Darker – YouTube
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