The Veteran Sharpshooter is the biggest beginner-friendly class that you can find in Darktide. In this guide, we will be explaining what and how you should be playing this game if you are a Starter. We will also show you the abilities and how to make them work together. Let’s get started.
Veteran Sharpshooter Starter Class Guide | Warhammer 40K – Darktide
Veteran Sharpshooter is the right class for you if you want to play Darktide like a normal FPS game. You will have a huge selection of weapons and skills to use against enemies. All of his plans are also very easy to understand.

When a lot of enemies get close, you will shoot with an automatic weapon while moving forward and going backward. When enemies get close, you can use grenades to push them back.
You’ll be tougher than everyone else by having more toughness, so you’ll be able to pretty much stay put and trade with a lot of baddies very well.
If you cling to this build, this class and its skills are pretty much the most well–rounded in the whole game. You’ll be able to stay put near opponents and also do great at a distance.

Besides from your automatic rifle gun, you’ll want to use the Plasma Gun a lot. Watch out for how fast it heats up because it can easily kill you. When your enemies are close, you should use the Power Sword.
Besides just being the shooter type of character you will want to be using your gun as a sniper too. Focus on the enemy snipers that might spawn as well as the Specials that might come up and about to unleash havoc on your teammates. You are going to be the class that can deal with most of these annoying enemies from afar.
That’s all that you need to know about how the Veteran Sharpshooter works in Darktide. We hope that this guide has helped you out in becoming a better overall player if you are a starter. A big thank you to Legacy Gaming from YouTube. Check him out here for more details.
ALSO READ: Darktide: All Classes Guide | Builds, Skills, & How To Play Each Character – Warhammer