You know, there are times in Dead Island 2 where looking at the locations you visit feel like reading a book. Except the big difference is, the picture is already painted for you, all that’s left to do is figure out the rest of the story.
In this guide you’ll be exploring a rather unfortunate place as you look for Safe-Deposit Key #49. It’s in a hard-to-reach area, but somebody has clearly been here already. Let’s just make sure that you get to live this time by reading this guide!
Safe-Deposit #49 Key Location
Someone has sneaked into the vents of the Halperin Hotel. This is the location of Safe-Deposit Key #49 near room 302. We’ll be starting from where you found Safe-Deposit Key #14. That would be room 208, start from this room and you will only have one floor to worry about during your search!

Go through the burned section of the corridor and run all the way to the end. You don’t have to go inside any other room, just go straight.

You will another set of elevators at the end of the hallway. Go right into the Staff room, you have to turn off the power since the elevators aren’t working properly.

There’s a lever here to your left that you can pull to cut off the power to the emergency shaft above the elevators. This will grant you access to the next floor without having to worry about a free shock therapy session.

Only thing left to do now is to climb up the emergency shaft of the elevator!

Once you’re on the third floor, turn right again. Go past the blown out section of the hallway and go inside the crawlspace on the left that leads to the bathroom next door.

Not much room to move around in this section, so just follow the path to get to the double doors.

On the other side is a room with a bed that you can jump on to access the vents above.

For now you’ll be going deeper into the vents to get Safe-Deposit Key #49. Turn left and you will find Safe-Deposit Key #49 on top of a pool of blood. Foreboding? Yes. Enough to deter you from endlessly looting? No.

You’re supposed to take the first right turn if you’re still doing the “Room Service for Major Booker” quest. You can backtrack from here to get to Safe-Deposit Key #53 faster!

ALSO READ: Dead Island 2: Poolside Container Key Location | How to Unlock Poolside Bio Container