When you’re just about to finish the “Room Service for Major Booker” quest, you would normally take less than five minutes to get in and out of room 307 just like everyone else. Then, all of a sudden, you remember that there’s still some unopened Safe Deposit Boxes you left back at the lobby.
At this point in Dead Island 2 you probably want to be free of Halperin Hotel already. You can always come back at a later time to open the other containers, but those require you to progress further into the story. In this guide, you only need to finish the main quest to unlock all five!
Safe-Deposit #53 Key Location
The location of Safe-Deposit Key #53 is in room 307. This is the same room you have to go to during the “Room Service for Major Booker” main story quest. If you just found Safe-Deposit Key #49 in the vents then you’re just two corridors away from earning yourself another key. Here’s a map to show you the general area you’re currently in.

Starting from the vents, make a right turn as soon as you get in. After that just go straight for a while.

There will be a T-Junction at the end of his hallway, turn left to make your way out of the vent.

Another junction will present itself shortly so turn right this time to drop inside of room 302.

You will drop right in front of the door that leads back into the hallway. Turn right and keep going straight, look to your left as that will be the location of room 307.

Head inside of the room without knocking and make one last left turn to get inside of the bathroom.

The keys to Safety-Deposit Box #53 will be right on top of the bathtub next to the bar of soap. That’s one of the five keys that you have now, see if you can find the rest!

ALSO READ: Dead Island 2: How to Unlock Halperin Security Safe