Dead Rails Roblox – How to Get Bonds SOLO & FAST Using the High Roller Class

It’s all about the money!

Abdullah Riaz
8 Min Read

If you’re looking to maximize your bonds in Dead Rails quickly and solo, the Higher Roller class is a great option. You are able to get much more money directly when cashing in, which can help speed up the process. The downside is that you are a lot more likely to get struck by lightning! 

Of course, you will need to use the right strategy. So, in this guide, we’ll be going over how you can get over these disadvantages and make the most bonds out of this class. Let’s get into it!

How to Get Bonds SOLO & FAST Using the High Roller Class

The High Roller class in Dead Rails costs 50 bonds and can be purchased from Taylor’s Store. When you collect money bags with this class, you are able to get x2 more, but at the cost of being x10 more likely to be hit by lightning.

This perk is the main basis of our strategy. In one run alone, you should be able to get around 70 bonds just by looting!

What To Buy At Spawn

Immediately when you spawn as the High Roller, head to the General Store in the lobby and buy x3 Coal as your starting gear. Each coal costs 2 bonds.

Once you jump into the game, sell the Gold Bar at the Trading Post. Next, go to the Gunsmith and purchase the rifle for $75.

Normally, cashing in the gold bar only gives you $50. But, the High Roller class has an ability that multiplies your earnings by 1.5x. This is the core of our strategy as we will focus on hitting banks and cashing big at forts.

Collecting money in Dead Rails.

Strategy For Towns

Once you have your rifle, it’s time to get moving. For this strategy, we recommend that you do not stop at all until you reach town. That means you should avoid stopping at random buildings on the way. Additionally, avoiding night time fights is also key for this strategy.

When you reach a town, focus on only hitting the banks. Make sure to loot them quickly before nightfall.

After you’ve cleared the town, head to the Trading Post and sell all your gold. Also refill your ammo by going to the gunsmith as you’ll need it for the next town.

Be sure to also purchase as much coal as you can carry from the General Store. Get a lot of snake oil too as you’ll need it later in the strategy.

Eventually, you’ll also come across towns that are stacked with zombies. This is where the snake oil will help. To deal with these towns, use the train to get ahead of the town as much as you can.

Next, use snake oil to increase your speed and go around the zombies, hitting the bank as quickly as possible. This will save you a lot of time and resources.

Rinse and repeat this strategy for towns.

Gold Bar in Dead Rails.

Tips For Tesla Buildings And Fort Constitution

At some point after the 20,000m Fort, you’ll come across the Tesla Building. Make sure to loot all the gold inside and collect all the parts you need. Next, place the parts in the machine at the center of the building.

Be careful with this part though, as you are the High Roller class. You have a x10 higher chance of getting struck by lightning, so do not go out at all as it is extremely risky. Once you clear the Tesla building, move on quickly to the next town!

Make sure to get the Electrocutioner’s Gun here as it will make fights much more manageable.

In case you come across Fort Constitution, we recommend simply looting it as you would a Bank. Keep in mind you can sell the excess guns here too, which will help a lot as the High Roller.

Our how to clear fort constitution guide has you covered too!

Tesla Building in Dead Rails.

Castle Trick And Preparation

After the third town, you should start looking for Armors at Forts and Metal Sheets at General Stores. These will help you deal with the Castles that come up later in the run.

You can also check out our helpful guide on clearing castles.

Once you do arrive at a castle, you can use metal sheets to block off doorways, allowing you to pick fights. In our case, we used 5 metal sheets to block a door with the harder enemies.

Next, using the Electrocutioner’s Gun and Holy Water, we were able to deal damage while they were stuck behind the sheets.

Do not use all your ammo though as you’ll need to save it for the final boss.

Castle blocked in Dead Rails.

How To Avoid Lightning

During your run, you will come across night times with lightning. These are your biggest enemies as the High Roller. In such cases, you need to find shelter immediately inside a store and let the storm pass.

You can also stay safe from the lightning by staying in the train, as long as you are in the driving position. If you do reach a town, make sure to stay there and wait for daytime. Do not attempt to go to town during lightning.

Night time lightning in Dead Rails.

Bridge Fight And Preparation

When you reach 60,000m, this is your cue to start preparing for the final fight at the bridge. After this, when you come across towns, be sure to use snake oil to speed up your looting.

Additionally, if you come across a lot of banks, we recommend that you only focus on looting Gold Bars. This is because you want to ensure you have the necessary resources for the fight.

The timing of your arrival at the bridge is key. If you arrive at nightfall, do not enter the area until it is day. This is because night time brings unpredictable weather and moon phases.

Attack at sunrise to maximize the day time. This will give you enough time to clear the bandits and the boss before night comes.

After you clear the fort, loot it for bonds and lower the bridge to start the countdown. Next, all you need to do is clear the boss. Be sure to use the Electrocutioner’s Gun and Holy Water for maximum damage.

Final boss in Dead Rails.

That’s everything you need to know about getting bonds solo and fast using the High Roller class in Dead Rails on Roblox. With this strategy, you should be able to get 70+ bonds per run really quickly. You can then repeat it to keep collecting the bonds you need! Be sure to also check out other strategies for different classes to get a lot of bonds too.

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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