Demon Hunter is a fully fledged Roblox game that brings the anime Demon Slayer to life. Players can choose between two factions, Demons and Slayers. Both of these races get a ton of content that you can play through. At times, it can be difficult to keep up with all of it, especially if you’re just starting out.
The Official Trello for Demon Hunter can be a great resource for fans of the game. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the link and how you can navigate this fantastic resource created by the community. Let’s dive in!
Official Trello Link | Roblox
The Demon Hunter Official Trello discusses all missions, items, skill trees, and more when it comes to the game.
Basic Information, Locations, NPCs – For beginners
Here’s the link you want to click on: Demon Hunter Official Trello Link
Starting off, we’ll be looking at the Demon Hunter Trello features that’ll help you when starting out with the game:
- Basic Information: Provides important links for the Demon Hunter community, including the Discord. Also, allows you to understand the Controls, GUI, Skill Tree and Stats that form the basis for the game.
- Locations: The world of Demon Hunter is vast, and there are many locations to explore. This section will show you how to get to all the locations currently in the game.
- NPCs: Whether you want to purchase, upgrade, or fight someone – you’ll be looking for all sorts of NPCs. This section shows you all the NPCs that you can interact, or fight, in the game at the moment.

Missions, Skills, Progression Info – For each race
Next up, the Demon Hunter Trello has more advanced information that you’ll need after you’ve chosen a race. The link consists of the following:
- Missions: When you queue up in a server, you can choose missions specific to your race. The Missions categories show all the types of missions, and what you’re supposed to do for each one.
- Skills: Each race has skills that they can use to make themselves stronger. The Skills sections lay out all the skills, so that you can understand them, and choose which one is best for you.
- Progression Info: The game does not give you a clear roadmap for your progression. Instead, you can rely on the Progression Info section for your chosen race. It’ll show you all the aspects you need to focus on.

Artifacts, Accessories, Emotes, Perks – Collectables
These are plenty of collectables you can get in the Demon Hunter game. The Official Trello outlines all of them in sections that are incredibly and intuitive to go through.
You can get info on all the following, regardless of race:
- Perks
- Artifacts
- Accessories
- Clothing
- Emotes.

That’s everything you need to know about the Demon Hunter Official Trello Link. As you can see, there is so much information that Trello covers. You can benefit from it regardless of if you’re a beginner or deep into the game. It outlines everything that you’ll need on your Demon Hunter journey, and covers all the races.
Are you interested in finding out more about Roblox Trello links like this one? Make sure to check out our dedicated list of Trello links for Roblox Games!