Another week in Destiny 2 comes another round of Seasonal Challenges. This time it will be tasks in Season of the Haunted asking players to defeat Cabal bosses as well as nightmare ones. You can spend a whole hour clearing a dungeon and maybe finish these challenges, or you can simply take a look at this guide. Let’s get started.
Leviathan Reaper Seasonal Challenge | Cabal Bosses Guide – Destiny 2
You can do this solo, or with a fire team. Anyhow it’s doable and instead of wasting 1 hour of doing it the old school way, grinding your way until the end, follow these tips to minimize that time to about 10-15 minutes per run.
So, to claim the reward you will need to defeat:
- 5 Cabal Bosses
- 5 Nightmare Bosses

Launch the strike on Proving Grounds in Arcadian Valley. Just launch it, get inside the map and the zone, and at the very start, you’ll get an enemy that comes out of the main door. He will attack you, you will need to kill him.
Once you kill him, you’ll notice that it is counted as a Cabal Boss. So, kill him, leave the zone, come back to it again, kill him again – repeat 5 times. Walla!

The other half of this challenge is Nightmare bosses. You can do this same exact thing with them on other maps.
After this has been completed, go to the Season of the Haunted menu screen, and just click to Claim your rewards. Congratulations! You have saved yourself a lot of time and discovered new ways of finishing season challenges.
All credit goes to SneakyBeaver from YouTube. He makes tons of tricks and guides about Destiny 2. You can check him out here.
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