Destiny 2 How To Get Divinity In 2022 Updated Guide

Destiny 2: How To Get Divinity In 2022 | Updated Guide

Martin Dojranliev
5 Min Read

The Divinity is an Exotic Rifle and is one of the best Exotics in the game. The reason why Divinity is so good is because of his Exotic perks. These perks allow Divinity to create a field that weakens and disrupts an enemy with damage. In this guide, we will show you how to get Divinity in Destiny 2.

How To Get Divinity In 2022 | Updated Guide – Destiny 2

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

At the start of the quest, you will travel to Nessus. Visit all three lost sectors and find the hidden room. There is a secret passage high up on the right side, and there is the Orrery. Once you are in the room, you will see a Core. To analyze the Core first, you will kill an enemy that the Core will spawn it.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

Then you need to head to the next lost sector. It is located in the secret area where the enemies spawn. Jump a few steps, and you will find it. And the last lost sector is in the secret room to the left of the Sector entrance.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

Once you’ve done that, go back to the same place where you started the quest. You need to kill 120 Vex. As you kill the Vex, you will receive Decryption Core Fragments. After doing that, you will buy the Phantasmal Fragments.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

Now you have come to the most challenging part, and that is the puzzles. To get there, you will enter the Vex portal, the Black Garden, jump off the ledge, and turn around to the opening. For the first puzzle, you will find left and right stairs that will lead to the first encounter area. Next, orient the team, see the box and go through the boxes. Finally, once you’ve set up your teammates, it should pop out the laser.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

The second puzzle is similar to the first one, traveling on the left toward a pink tree. Crouch and fall into the hole, and you will find another puzzle. Orient, your team to create a tether from a box to the object.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

For the third puzzle, you will travel to the area with six floating red diamonds. Make your team stay in the proper position and activate the diamonds.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

For the fourth puzzle, you will see six floating red diamonds again. Orient your team and connect the six diamonds again.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

After that, you and your teammates must jump together and pass the platforms. This is easy. You can jump from the first to the third platform and make your way to the six floating red diamonds. Once reaching there, coordinate your team and complete it.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

Then, for the sixth puzzle, you will stand at the end of the edge and reach the waterfall without any problems.

Source: D2KGAMING from YouTube

For the last puzzle, you need to line up in the order and follow the box. Follow the pattern to complete the final puzzle of Divinity. Continue to follow it until it finishes, and you can change places more times, so be patient.

When you complete all this, you will get Divinity. Congratulations! This is all you need to know about getting Divinity in Destiny 2. Follow our guide and get it easier and quicker. A big thanks to D2KGAMING from YouTube for providing information. Check the video here: How To Get Divinity In 2022 (Updated Guide) | Destiny 2.

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Martin Dojranliev has been writing for many years. He loves to write about the gaming industry, especially fps games. He is an expert gamer in CSGO. He has won tournaments in Gevgelija, Macedonia, and online tournaments, and he has 1000+ hours on the game. Martin specializes in skills to be the best and to win the game. Last year Martin finished one year course in 3D Game Design. When Martin is taking a break from writing, he loves to play games in his free time.
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