Destroyer Chain Melee Pit | Horizon Forbidden West

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

When an enemy gives you an opening, you must not miss it. Performing a powerful attack can lead to a deadly blow. Learn the Destroyer move using this guide and overpower your enemies without giving them a chance to recover.

Destroyer Chain Challenge Melee Pit – Horizon Forbidden West

The Destroyer Chain is one of the challenges you will face in the Thornmarsh Melee Pit. This is the first challenge of the Thornmarsh Melee Pit and you can find it on the challenges menu after unlocking the pit.

  • To perform a power attack, you have to hold R2.
  • To perform the destroyer attack, press R1, wait for a second then quickly press R1 four times. You also need to shoot your enemy with your bow after this combo for the challenge.

To complete the challenge, perform a power attack by holding R2. After you land the power attack, quickly press R1 then wait for a second and press R1 four times for the Destroyer move.

After the Destroyer ends, quickly shoot your enemy with the bow to complete the combo.

You have to do this combo three times within 2 minutes and defeat your enemies to complete the challenge.

ALSO READ: Reap and Clear Melee Pit | Horizon Forbidden West

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.