
Devas of Creation: Best Race Guide (Which Race is the Best for You?)

The short answer is “none”, but the long answer is “it depends actually”.

Devas of Creation just got released, and from what I’ve seen while trying it out myself, it seems to be a sort of New World inspired MMORPG that is actually surprisingly well made. When you first start out, you have a bunch of things to consider while creating your first character, including their race. In this guide, we will answer the question of which race is the best among the options!

Best Race Guide (Which Race is the Best?)

There are currently four races to choose from when you try to create a character. Each of them has their own distinct advantages and drawbacks, so I’m going to answer your question with another question: What play style are you going to have?

You see, the description for each race explicitly tells you what they excel at and what stats you will have to start off with. This is not that big of a deal as you can will be allocating attribute points as you level up anyway.

The better question is which is better for you. Let’s go through what each race has and what types of players they will be best suited for.

Race #1 – Viridis

The Viridis race is what I would refer to as the “safe” option because it has a completely balanced attribute spread. Basically, it has 5 points in everything, letting you spec into anything you want with literally no issues.

This is probably the best choice for people who want to experiment with all weapons, since you can just respec whenever you need and still have balanced base attributes. They are the jack of all trades, essentially.

If you can’t decide among the other ones, you can never go wrong with this choice. I highly recommend this for beginners who aren’t experienced with RPGs for that reason too.

Devas of Creation character creation showcasing the viridis race

Race #2 – Umbralith

The Umbralith is what I personally went with because I just love the Drow / Dark Elves in any fantasy setting. Also, because their stats are highly skewed to favor dexterity over everything else.

This race has slightly lower constitution and even worse intelligence and wisdom. Because of these stats, they are clearly for players who prefer a high risk high reward play style. Generally speaking, assassins fall under this category.

If you are a dagger and bow enjoyer like myself, this is the best race for you. Just don’t forget to allocate some points in strength and maybe even constitution as you level up.

You want a bit of extra health to withstand longer fights, but strength and dexterity will be your main priorities with this race.Don’t worry about having a low intelligence and wisdom, unless you really struggle with mana management.

Devas of Creation character creation showcasing the umbralith race

Race #3 – Illythrial

The Illythrial are the polar opposite of the Umbralith as their main focus is on magic power. As such, this race sacrifices strength & dexterity in favor of higher intelligence & wisdom.

Needless to say, this is the perfect race for players who want to be a magic user or take on a support role with the Celestial Staff weapon type. That really is all there is to the Illythrial.

Basically, if you only want to focus on magic weapons, this is the race to pick because it will significantly boost the relevant attributes. Funnily enough, you can probably also play as an effective tank with this race due to the Celestial Staff.

People who were there for the first few months of New World will be able to relate to this, but pairing the healing powers of Celestial Staves with an actual weapon can be annoying to deal with.

This makes this race great for solo players too, because you can abuse the sustain and pull tons of mobs for fast area of effect monster clearing.

Devas of Creation character creation showcasing the illythrial race

Race #4 – Cyruleas

Finally, the Cyruleas excel in being frontline warriors with their high strength & constitution. The downside to this race is that all of their other attributes start off at a painfully low number.

If you like to go up close and personal as a bruiser type, then this will be the best race for you. Basically, this is your tank race, but definitely do not sleep on the damage output that this race can put out as well.

Starting off with 10 strength is huge, especially once you start dumping more attributes into it. The lack of critical strike and speed is easily compensated for by the sheer power your hits will have, and it works well with great sword + bow due to their stun and root abilities.

If you don’t mind slower speeds and love to dive headfirst into combat, you can’t go wrong with this race. You have the leg up in survivability during the early levels just because you have way more health too.

Devas of Creation character creation showcasing the cyruleas race

In Conclusion

To wrap things up, there is no “best race”, but rather, the “best race for you”. With the information provided above, you should be able to figure out which one is the right choice for your own unique play style!

If all else fails, you can always unlock a new character slot or use an alt account to try out a different race. If you ask me, though, it doesn’t really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, unless you really want to min max to extreme levels!

While you are here, check out our guide on which faction is the best in Devas of Creation as well. This is something that you will be doing a little later on in your journey, but you may as well choose now to save yourself a bit of time!


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