A refuge can be seen as a dying breed’s last chance of survival against a world that’s constantly changing. In Diablo IV you have these places to visit as well. But not all bastions are made equal, some are definitely worth less especially if they’re riddled with cultists.
With this group on the run, it’s your job to make sure that they don’t resurface anytime soon. To keep your hunt short and sweet, here’s a guide that throws these cultists under the bus. To begin your quest, start heading to the east!
Cultist Refuge Location
The Cultist Refuge can be visited inside of the Nostrava Stronghold in the southwest side of Fractured Peaks. If you haven’t unlocked the waypoint yet then your next closest option will be Nevesk in the Desolate Highlands south of Nostrava. The basement leading to the dungeon can be accessed via the burned building on the far right side of the stronghold.
You’ll be able to find the Cultist Refuge if you’re currently doing the Sight to Madness side quest. This requires you to visit the dungeon as well, although you don’t have to necessarily complete it.

When you’re in the basement, just follow the objectives assigned to you. Most of them will involve eradicating the underground cultist presence and slaying some High Priests. The Legandary Aspect you’ll get for clearing the dungeon will be the Flamewalker’s Aspect. Perfect if you’re a slow Sorcerer who needs the extra movement speed.

And that’s where you can find the Cultist Refuge in Diablo IV! If you’re looking for more cultists to put down then consider visiting the Conclave Dungeon next.
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