
Diablo 4: Slaking Aspect Location

Wolves, Bandits and Skeletons, what a weird combination!

Diablo 4 Slaking Aspect Dungeon

There’s a lot of different aspects that you can find in Diablo 4, and these can be game changers! Aspects are rewards you get from completing certain dungeons. These aspects can change the way skills work or buff them and even give additional effects that can change your play style. That’s why it’s good to know where an aspect is for your build.

In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Slaking Aspect in Diablo 4. We’ll also show you what to expect in the dungeon you’ll be clearing! So, let’s find that dungeon and get that Aspect!

Slaking Aspect Location

The Slaking Aspect can be found in a dungeon called Maulwood. This dungeon is located in Fractured Peaks south of Kyovashad and is not that far away. The sub-region is called Dobrev Taiga and the area it is in is the Krol Forest.

The Slaking Aspect is a Barbarian only aspect. When you do a lucky hit you have a chance of gaining fury when rend deals direct damage to a bleeding enemy. This aspect can work well for certain Barbarian builds so make sure to get this one!

Diablo 4 Maulwood Map Location

The entrance to this dungeon, like every other dungeon glow red and orange. You can use the image below as a reference, the entrance is surrounded by trees.

Diablo 4 Maulwood Entrance

The dungeon is filled with all sorts of enemies from wolves and wargs to Wood Wraiths and Marauders. There’s also a couple of objectives that you’ll need to do, from slaying bandit sentries to traveling to the Skeletal Rise and destroying Skeletal constructs.

The dungeon doesn’t really have a boss and once you destroy the last Skeletal Construct it counts as completing the dungeon!

That’s where you can find the Slaking Aspect in Diablo 4. There’s a lot of aspects out there for you to find so make sure to get them all! Another Barbarian only aspect is the Aspect of Anemia and we have a guide on that aspect’s location so go check that one out!

ALSO READ: Diablo 4: Onyx Hold Location


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