Dota 2 is a game where you’ll have an extremely hard time learning and the baby steps that you’ll be taking will seem as if you would never master the game. But once you start getting relaxed and familiar with everything, it will become your favorite competitive game. In this guide, we will be showing you a couple of steps that you’ll need to follow in order to completely own any enemy team with Jakiro. Let’s get started.
Jakiro Offlane Guide 7.31d | 100% Pure Scepter Macropyre Unlimited Burning DPS – Dota 2
Jakiro has gotten some very new improvements in the last couple of patches. He is still very usable and very useful in lots of situations. A very good support but at times can surprise with the most amount of kills in a game as well!
This is how you should build him with the items:

You will stick with the basics when it comes to Jakiro. Max out the 3rd spell with the fire. When being offlane you will want to spam this damage over time on the enemy carry.
The stun is also very handy, but make sure to pick up the first spell as well. You will go one point to the first one, one to the other one. This is how you’ll reach the top.
The biggest item for Jakiro is the Scepter. No matter where you’ll be going you will of course buy wards and support items, but the Scepter is a must. This makes Jakiro from a scary stunner and support to an undefeatable damage-dealing beast. No one can stand in one spot while you’ll cast your ultimate in front of you!
For more information and details on how to actually play Jakiro you can check out Kryptonill Gaming on YouTube. He has played a game with Jakiro with this build and absolutely wrecked the enemy team. Follow his steps and the tips of this guide. You can find the video by clicking here. Good luck and have fun!
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