Dungeon Hunter 6 is a hack-and-slash mobile game with riveting moment to moment gameplay and a wide variety of collectable lieutenants that will help you in combat. There are many quests and other bits of content to complete in the game, and with that in mind, how do you quickly and efficiently level up in order to get through these activities?
Best Tips to Level Up Fast
First of all, you should ensure that you complete as many Storyline quests that you currently can. Take note that there will be moments where you will be gated behind other bits of content.
With that said, these are the most important quests that you need to complete in order to progress through the game and level up even further.
Once you’re gated behind a required level, you should go back to a story section that you can quick raid. Upon selecting an applicable mission, you should click on Consecutive Raid.

This will require both stamina and Blitz Scrolls. In this menu, click on Consecutive Raid once more, and you will continue gaining loot and EXP until you run out of the necessary resources.
Now, you might want to check out this Complete Lieutenant Guide to help you finish these raids more easily.

Gaining More Stamina and Blitz Scrolls
In order to get more Blitz Scrolls, you can simply purchase them for 5 blue diamonds each, though this method is not recommended.
Instead, farm them up naturally by playing through the game and doing your dailies. If you click on the Welfare button on the top right corner of the screen, you’ll also see that you can spin for at least 10 Blitz Scrolls every day.

Next, you can also get more of them off the Treasure Bazaar. The store will typically sell Blitz Scrolls and Experience Tomes at a 10-30% discount, which you should always buy whenever they show up.
In fact, you should typically be buying anything that costs Gold Coins and Hunter’s Tokens as you’ll most likely always have a surplus of these resources.

These offerings can also be refreshed a limited number of times per day. Sometimes, you may also run into legendary scrolls being sold for green diamonds, which is the best deal for such items.
For stamina, in addition to recovering automatically over time, you can also get some for free by going to your Friends list.
From this menu, click on Friend present and simply click on Quick Present and Quick Receive in order to send and receive stamina from your in-game friends. To maximize this feature, make sure to add players who login every day.

Spending Money
If you’re willing to invest a significant amount of money into the game, you can also permanently increase your EXP gain through various purchases.
For around $10, you can buy the Permanent Pass to receive various perks, including a 15% Story Raid EXP bonus and daily blue diamonds.

There’s also the Premium Permanent Pass that will provide you with a bonus of 20% Mob Exp, though this is significantly more expensive than the previous offering.

Magic Chess
Next up, click on the Daily tab on the lower right hand side of the screen. From here, you can select the Magic Chess game mode.

This game mode provides you with a lot of EXP as you get to destroy a large number of enemies throughout the activity.
Ideally, you do this last as you’ll be at your strongest after finishing all of your other daily events and activities. So, finish all of your other dailies first to maximize your EXP gain from Magic Chess.

Tome of Tower
If you click on the AFK button on the lower right hand side of the screen, you will be taken to the Tome of Tower, which grants you rewards over time.
You should always try to increase its level by as much as you can to maximize your loot and EXP gain from simply AFKing and occasionally claiming rewards.
You can also click on Quick Slaying to instantly claim four hours worth of AFK rewards at the cost of a few diamonds.

Additional Tips
Once you’ve reached the world level cap for the day, bring up the menu and click on the Skill button. From here, you can click on Skill Points Exchange to turn some of your surplus EXP into skill points.
Another additional tip is that you can check all of your buffs beside your avatar on the upper left corner of the screen. Clicking on these little icons will show you how much bonus damage you have, as well as some of your EXP bonuses.

If you have no idea what most of these buffs actually increase, you can click on the backpack icon and then go over to your Character page.
Here, click on the icon beside Base Attributes. This menu will give you a breakdown of all your stats as well as descriptions on what they do.

This will help you determine whether you’re doing the most damage you can in EXP farming content such as Magic Chess.
And those are all the tips for leveling up in Dungeon Hunter 6. Now get out there and start grinding your dailies and AFK activities!
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