There are a lot of boss enemies that you can challenge in Elden RIng. However, not all of them will be visible on the map, making them secret bosses. This guide will show you where you can find the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella.
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella Location – Elden Ring
So you want to challenge the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella? You will need to go to the Eastern Tableland first as seen on the map below. Head northeast down the mountains then head north and you should see a small temple-like building on your left.

This is the Ainsel River Well. Go inside and step on the circular platform to activate it. When you get to the Ainsel River, go to your right to activate a Grace. Head further down west and when you reach the shallow waters, head south.
Ignore the first fork, when you reach the second fork, go right until you see some bones. Head straight to the west into the small crevice and follow the hallway until you reach a large room. Climb up the stairs to the arch on your right and follow the path southeast.
There is another grace here that you can activate. Go through the doors to the west and descend again until you reach the Uhl Palace Ruins and follow the path northwest. Activate the grace here and on your left, you should see another path with cocoons inside.
Keep following the path north until you reach another room with a huge skeleton sitting on a throne.
Approach the throne to battle the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella.
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