For those who are waiting for the new Elder Scrolls game to come out (which is probably like 2032, give or take), you might be starved for some Elder Scrolls content. While buying Skyrim for the 100th time may be a good idea, it’s better if you put your money somewhere else. Like the Elder Scrolls Online game. Yes, Elder Scrolls is now an online multiplayer game, and has been for a few years now. It might be worth a shot. Who knows, you might sink enough time into this game for Elder Scrolls VI to come out. Let’s find out how to do the Cursed and Coniferous Quest.
Cursed and Coniferous Quest Guide – ESO

To start the quest, you first need to go to the location on the map.

You will find two NPC’s (three if you count the orb) who all seemed to be in a panicked state. One of them is turning into a tree, and the other is an orb. The third NPC is a Druid who seems to be unnerved about the whole thing.

Speak to Joslin Coravel (the NPC turning into a tree) and she will explain to you everything that happened. There will be an option to offer to help Druid Fenas break the curse. Select that, and the Cursed and Coniferous quest will start.

Talk to Fenas after and he will tell you how to break the curse. For Joslin, you will have to meet with her at Embervine. He will give her a spell to retrieve the fire shard required to break her curse. However, she is not allowed to touch it or else she will burn. After that, you meet with Octin near the sacred tree to the north to collect sap.

Open your map and you will get your objectives. The first being to meet with Joslin at the Lava Pools. You can get there quickly by using the fast travel with the Wayshrine.

Find Joslin near the Lava Pools and talk to her. She will tell you that the spell Fenas gave her is a freezing spell, but you have to do it. In her state, she will easily burn up and die. She also tells you to make sure the fire shard cools down first, making it safe to carry.

Approach the Fire Shard that has the mark of the objective. You don’t really need to do much, other than pressing E on your keyboard to extinguish the fire and then press E to pick it up.

Go back to Joslin and she will tell you that she is going back to Fenas, while you head straight to Fauns’ Thicket to meet up with Octin next.

Open your map and you should see the small circle telling you where Octin is. There is no Wayshrine near the area, so you have to travel by foot or by horse. Don’t worry though, because he’s not really that far. It will only take a minute to reach him.

Speak to Octin and he will tell you that he might have found some sap for the curse. However, there is a Forest Wraith blocking the path, which you need to take care of.

The Forest Wraith is incredibly dangerous, but easily handled. Just watch out for its AoE attacks and you should be fine.

After defeating the Forest Wraith, you can now gather the sap from the Sacred Tree by pressing E on it.

Speak to Octin again and he will tell you to that you need to return to Fenas in order to break the curse.

Open your map and you will see the objective is pretty far away from your current location. However, there is a Wayshrine you can use to shorten the travel time.

When you arrive, you will find Joslin and Octin arguing while Fenas watches. Talk to Fenas and he will tell you that in order to break the curse, you first need to go to the spot where they found the tablet that cursed them.

Your next objective requires you to go through Fauns’ Thicket and clear a path for the three to go through. Although when you get to the objective, you will find that they are already there, so fighting enemies along the way doesn’t serve any real purpose.

Talk to Fenas again and he will tell you a warning. If either of you mess up, both you and Fenas will be affected by the same curse that affects Joslin and Octin. So, you need to follow his instructions to the T.

The ritual will immediately start after exiting the conversation with Fenas, and your first task is to ignite the Fire Shard.

Afterwards, you will need to heat the Sacred Tree Sap that’s across the table.

Lastly, we reforge the tablet (by clicking E to repair). The table is now reforged, but for some reason, Joslin and Octin are still cursed. Odd, but you have to talk to Fenas now.

Talking to Fenas reveals that there is a part in the table that states that only one can be restored to their original form. Fenas gives you the choice to either restore Joslin or restore Octin. You can speak to both and find out for yourself which one is worthy of restoration.

Talking to Octin, you tell him that only one of them will get restoration. He tells you to choose Joslin, saying that she does not have to suffer for his mistake. You can choose him now, or you can talk to Joslin.

Speaking to Joslin, she as well tells you to choose the other instead of herself. Both cousins show that they care for each other, and are willing to remain cursed so the other can live a normal life. However, the choice is still up to you. Either way, the quest will be complete no matter who you choose, and whoever returns to their original form will reward you with different items that the other does not have.
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