
Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes

Why are there so many to choose from?

Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes

In Exoprimal, you’ll use a powerful armor suit called the Exosuit to defeat enemies. As you fight the dinosaurs, you’ll also see the mutated version of these prehistoric creatures. These will have different appearances as well as unique sets of abilities and perks to make it difficult for you to defeat them in battles. This is when you want to look for more powerful tools.

Rigs and Modules are features that you can utilize to become stronger. These will give you various effects depending on what you need in these fights. From helping you survive to helping you become stronger and do more damage, the possibilities are endless. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use Rigs and Modules effectively.


When you pick your class, you’ll also be able to choose a Rig. These are some extra weapons that you can bring along with you in battle to aid you depending on what you are mission. They are the Drill Fist, Shield, Blade, Cannon, Aid and Catapult. You would want to pick the Rig that suits your class as well as your personal playstyle.

In your first few levels, you will be able to use the the three Rigs, which are the Cannon, the Aid and the Catapult. Cannon is a tool you can use for great damage and crowd control since it allows you to shoot a wide beam of damage at your opponent.

Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes Cannon

For characters like Murasame, you can choose to get Aid. This is because melee characters usually struggle with health. Since they do not have a long range, they can be easily poked down by your opponents or take damage from other melee enemies. Having some healing will work greatly in this case.

Exoprimal Healing

Catapult allows you to perform a quick boost jump, helping you close the gap between you and your opponent or can act as an escape tool in tough situations. This can be useful for classes like the Witchdoctor or Skywave since they have the abilities to stay airborne. This helps them avoid ground threats while providing support to their team.

The Shield gives you a small shield that will act as a protection tool when you are being attacked by enemies. As you move, the shield will move as well so you will be protected most of the time when you use it. If you have little to no protection from your teammates, consider getting this one Rig.

Exoprimal Shield

Drill Fist is a powerful drill attack which you can charge up before you unleash it. This is a great tool if you want to deal damage at closer range. For melee classes like Zephyr or Roadblock, they can utilize this item to fight against enemies at melee range.

Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes Drill Fist

Blade throws a projectile that paralyzes your opponent on contact. This is a great crowd control tool against quick and annoying opponents. In the image down below, you’ll see that you’ll throw a purple blade that paralyzes and stuns your enemy upon contact.

Exoprimal Blade


In the Hangar, you will be able to see your Modules settings. This is a three-slot talent system that allow you to boost some certain stats or abilities of your Exosuit. Depending on your playstyle and what you want to do the most of your matches, then you can equip these talents accordingly.

Exoprimal Modules

There are two types of Modules you can equip to your Exosuit. They are the general modules and class specific modules. General Modules are modules you can equip to any Exosuit. While class specific modules can only be used on a certain class after you have leveled it up. For example, for the Witchdoctor, you’ll have the Shock Therapy module after you reach level 16.

Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes

We recommend that you upgrade your General Modules to level 5 as soon as possible. This will allow you to have some early stat increase in your early progression like defense or speed. These modules are extremely flexible and will allow you to easily upgrade other classes as well as you play in this game.

Exoprimal Upgrade

Depending on which class you play, you’ll want to spend your points and upgrade these stats to fit your playstyles accordingly. As you progress, you’ll get enough points to max an ability and buff it so that you can become more useful in battles. For example, Blast Enhancer will have extra ammo, helping him solve the problem of running out of ammo in battles.

This feature encourages you to play one class consistently, which lets you understand more about a certain class. This will make you not judge a class too early as you progress. When you have more modules equipped and maxed, you will be able to perceive a class very differently.

Exoprimal Blast Enhancer

That’s your Exoprimal: Rigs & Modules Guide For All Classes. Each of these classes in the game have different tasks in battle based on their classified role. However, they can still have very different playstyles. For example, even though Roadblock and Murasame are both tanks, their playstyles vary greatly. This means that you will want to build the right modules and rigs to fit your classes.

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